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Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) don't have nuclie when they are mature, the same thing applies to platelets (thrombocytes).

Answer^correct red blood cells are full of hemoglobin wich caries oxygen AnswerFirst answer is spot-on.

Corralaries: 1. You can't clone a human being from a red blood cell. (Even if we knew how to clone human beings :) )2. You can't do genetic test that depend on the genome using a red blood cell. (You can do genetic test based on microsomal RNA since the microsomes are intact and weren't part of the cell's nucleus to begin with.)

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In mammals,red blood cells.In plants seive tube cells.

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Red Blood Cell.

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sieve tube

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Q: What cell in the body doesn't have a nucleus when it is mature?
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What is the only cell in the human body that doesn't have a nucleus?

Mature red blood cells are the only human cells that do not have a nucleus. sorry to do this but that's not the answer but i don't know it

What is the kind of Cell without Nucleus?

A mature red blood cell does not have a nucleus. And neither do prokaryotes (bacteria).

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What human cell is the only one that does not contain a nucleus when it is mature?

red blood cell is the only human cell that does not contain a nucleus

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a mature red blood cell doesn't have a nucleus while an immature one does.

What are the cell structures of a red blood cell?

It is biconcave in shape , mature red blood cell do not have nucleus,

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All human cells have a nucleus and organelles

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The nucleus is near the middle of an animal cell.

Which cell type lacks a nucleus what functions would this cell be unable to carry out?

The mature red blood cell lacks a nucleus, and so is unable to reproduce.

What cell has no nuclues?

Mature human red blood cells have no nucleus.

What organelle would be missing in a mature red blood cell?

Then the mature red blood cell becomes a useless cell without any knowledge on how to do its job. It will then float through your blood stream until it is absorbed.

Where is nucleus located in a nerve cell?

In a nerve cell, the nucleus is located in the cell body.