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No reaction, because iron is a more active metal than copper. This means that copper cannot reduce iron from its salt.

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Q: What change is expected in the reaction mixture if a copper wire is kept immersed in AN Iron sulphate solution?
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What is the chemical reaction when a silver spoon is kept immersed in aqueous cooper sulphate solution?

Any reaction occur.

What change would expect in the reaction mixture if a copper wire is immersed in an iron sulphate solution?

No chemical reaction would be expected to occur when a copper wire is immersed in an iron sulfate solution: Copper is less active than iron in the electromotive series and therefore can not displace iron from iron compounds, and sulfate ions are not sufficiently strong oxidants to causecopper to dissolve in water.

What happens when an iron nail is immersed in copper sulphate solution?

The iron is more reactive than copper so when the iron nail is immersed in copper sulphate the iron takes sulphate ion from the copper sulphate and copper metal is deposited on top of the iron so that the nail will then look like a copper nail.The chemical reaction is called a replacement reaction, and is chemically represented as : CuSO4(compound in solution) + Fe(metal) ------>Cu(deposited metal) + FeSO4.

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What happens when a silver spoon is kept immersed in aqueous copper sulphate solution?

nothing will happen as copper is more reactive than silver.

What happens when an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution?

A brown layer of copper gets deposited on iron nail. This change is due to a chemical reaction between copper sulphate and iron. Also the colour of the solution changes from blue to green due to the formation of iron sulphate. This reaction can be represented by the following equation: Copper sulphate + Iron = Iron sulphate + Copper solution (CuSO4) + (Fe) = (FeSO) + (Cu)

Iron nail dipped in copper sulphate solution?

When an iron nail is dipped in the solution of copper sulphate solution , after a while the solution changes into the colour of green becoming iron sulphate and a brown substance is found on the iron nail which is copper so we get to know that the displacement reaction is produced

When zinc rod is dipped in a solution of aqu copper sulphate copper is precipitated out?

This is due to something called a displacment reaction, during a displacment reaction one of the particals from one of the substances "swap" with another partical from the solution In the case of zink and copper sulphate solution, the copper and zink 'switch places to produce copper and a solution of zink sulphate. This is how, A + BC = B +AC

Why does copper sulphate solution go from blue to pale green?

Because a displacement reaction has occured