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Right before your fertile period you should start getting a sort of creamy white discharge, sometimes very wet. On the few days you are to ovulate the discharge should become very wet and slippery, like eggwhite.

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Q: What changes should I look for in vaginal discharge when ovulating?
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What does clear vaginal liquid mean?

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Is it bad to remove vaginal discharge?

No vaginal discharge should be kept clean to prevent infection.

How do you get rid of discharge from your vagina?

You can not. Vaginal discharge is natural and normal and should not and can not go away. That is the vaginal cleaning system. When you menstruate the egg comes out with the discharge and the discharge keeps the good bacteria on the right level. It also work as lubrication during sex and protects the vaginal tissue.

What does it milky white watery discharge with an odor means?

You should see your doctor it could be a yeast infection. Its normal for women to have discharge it means you are ovulating. Note: If you have a yeast infection your discharge does not have an odor. Nor would there be an odor when ovulating. If there is an odor it could be bacterial vaginosis or an std

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Urinalysis should not be performed while a woman is menstruating or having a vaginal discharge

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Normal vaginal discharge should never be accompanied by itching or burning.

Should you remove the clear stretchy vaginal discharge?

You should wipe the vagina like always. It's just discharge even if it's looks different.

Should you have a mucus flow before you start getting your periods?

That is the discharge being thicker because you are ovulating so yes.

What does it mean when you have sore breast and brown vaginal discharge?

It proably means your breasts are growing. About the discharge, you should talk to a trusted female adult or your doctor.

What does guaiac-positive discharge mean?

Guaiac-positive discharge refers to vaginal discharge that contains blood, and indicates the presence of blood in the discharge. This can sometimes be a sign of bleeding within the vaginal canal or reproductive tract, and may be related to various gynecological conditions that should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

Is it normal to discharge when you are 14 weeks pregnant?

An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is very common. It should be white or creamy and not blood-stained, itchy or smelly. If it is any of these see your doctor as you might have an infection.

If you notice a decrease in vaginal discharge at 6 weeks should i be worried?

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