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playing any new technology is not the characteristic of the animals and having a shopping

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12y ago

Most mammals have nipples, but there is at least one (a rodent whose particular species escapes me) who feeds its young with milk that drips from slits in it's body, not from nipples.

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Mammary glands are found only on mammals

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Q: What of these is NOT a characteristic of all mammals?
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How do you rephrase a sentence all mammals are warmblooded which is a common characteristic among mammals?

It is rephrased as mammals are homeothermic animals .

Which animals are hairy?

Having hair is a characteristic of all "mammals."

Do all mammals breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is a defining characteristic of mammals -- so yes, all mammals breastfeed.

What is one echidna characteristic that is shared with other mammals?

As with all mammals, the echidna feeds its young on mothers' milk.

Do all mammals have mammary gland?

Yes, that is one characteristic.

What do mammals get their name from?

The mammary glands, a defining characteristic of mammals.

Characteristic shared by all mammals?

The main characteristic shared by mammals, and which makes them distinct from other vertebrate groups, is that they suckle their young on mothers' milk. This is the main characteristic mammals share.Also unique to mammals is the fact that they have fur or hair.

What is the proper term used for the mammals that feed milk to their young?

Your question seems to suggest that mammals that feed milk to their young are a subset of mammals. But all mammals feed milk to their young. That, along with the presence of hair, is the defining characteristic of all mammals, without exceptions.

Not all mammals give birth to their young. Why?

Quite simply, there are three species of mammals which lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young. These are the platypus, the short-beaked achidna and the long-beaked echidna. These mammals are still classified as mammals because they have fur, breathe using lungs and feed their young on mothers' milk. The last characteristic is the defining characteristic of all mammals, regardless of whether they are placental mammals, marsupials or monotremes (egg-laying mammals).

What type of integument is characteristic of mammals?

Mammals have a body covering of hair or fur.

What is the characteristic of mammals .?

The main characteristic of the flying mammals is that they are all species of bats. Bats are the only flying mammal. Some of the characteristics of bats are that they fly almost exclusively at night, they can't walk very well, and they have excellent hearing.

What one characteristic do birds and mammals share that lampreys and mammals do not?

Birds and mammals are air breathers. Lampreys are not.