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the slime layer

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Q: What characteristic probably was used in naming cyanobacteria?
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Related questions

What is another name for cyanobacteria?

Another name for Cyanobacteria is Blue Green Algae.But it is an old name used to call it.

What is the most common name of cyanobacteria?

cyanobacteria. They are too small to have been discovered before people used scientific names.

What is the system used for naming compounds?

The chemical nomenclature system is used in naming compounds.

How do the Aztecs have naming days?

The Aztects used naming based on situation and the astronomy of the days.

How did cyanobacteria prepare the way for the origin of aerobic respiration?

The evolution of aerobic organisms depended on a metabolic product of cyanobacteria because they used them as a energy source and supply to maintain their health.

Why is neo used in naming common nomenclature of organic compounds?

Neo is used in the naming of the common nomenclature or organic compounds for easier identification.

Alphabet letters not used when naming storms?

Names starting with the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z are not used for naming hurricanes.

When naming polygons you can start with?

A vertex and count the number of vertices in the polygon. That is the number which will be used for naming the polygon.

What is the term for naming a boat?

We often hear the therm christening used when referring to the naming of a boat or ship.

What criterion is used for naming the trapezius?

the shape

What language is used for naming plants?


How do you explain the naming conventions used to identify internet host company?

Naming conventions are used to identify ip addresses and things of that nature. They use various system names and methods for each different naming convention.