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This type of reaction is oxidation.

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Q: What chemical reaction occurs when the body breaks down sugar?
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This formula shows the chemical reaction that occurs when the body breaks down sugar. The products are carbon dioxide and water. how many carbon atoms are needed in this reaction?

I need to see the formula you are talking about

Does a sugar dissolving in water is a physical property?

Yes it is because no chemical reaction occurs during it so it is not chemical.

What is sugar's chemical reaction?

The chemical formula (not reaction) of sucrose is C12H22O11.

Why does wine dissolve in water?

Wine will dissolve in water due to the chemical reaction from the sugar of the grapes. This occurs at the end of the fermentation process.

If burning sugar is a chemical reaction can you give me an evidence?

Burning is a chemical reaction; sugar is transformed in carbon dioxide and water.

How is melting sugar different from melting an ice cube?

Because melting sugar turns color to form caramel. i.e. it has changed and specifically it has undergone a CHEMICAL CHANGE (Or chemical reaction). When melting ice, no chemical reaction occurs, and so it is just a PHYSICAL CHANGE.

Is making sugar into caramel a physical or chemical?

a chemical reaction

What is sugar dissolving and example of?

a chemical reaction

Witch cell structure breaks down sugar?

There is no specific structure that breaks down sugar. Sugar is broken down in a series of processes that start with glycolysis which occurs in the cytoplasm.

Is Sugar is dissolved in tea a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change because Sucrose (sugar) when dissolved in water is converted into Glucose and Fructose, and can not be collected back from tea or water.

What enzyme found in saliva breaks chemical bonds between the sugar monomers in starches?

AMYLASE is a saliva that breaks into starch, releasing sugar