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if you're looking to stop smoking cutting down the nicotine content won't help as you will just want you're original amount and you will just end up spending more on lower nicotine cigs. please check out Alan carr's easy way to stop smoking website for an easy way to quit. :)

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Q: What cigarette has less nicotine trying to quit am looking for a cigarette with les nicotine?
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Which tobacco product is less processed than cigarette tobacco and often contains more nicotine?

Cigars are less processed than cigarette tobacco and often contain more nicotine.

Does using a vaporizer for nicotine cause more instances of cancer?

A vapor cigarette for nicotine is less harmful than cigarettes as it only provides nicotine and not harmful chemicals.

Is there nicotine in hooka?

The tobacco that is used in hooka's does contain nicotine, but its more like traces of nicotine than actual amounts. In an entire package of hooka tobacco there is less nicotine than one cigarette.

What is the comparison between nicotine in cigarette and nicotine in e-cigarette?

This depends on the exact cigarettes and e-cigs involved. Both types of cigarettes contain different amounts of nicotine, though some of the electronic cigarettes contain none at all - depending on which cartridge you use. With the above said, there are other considerations. The electronic cigarette cartridges will often contain more nicotine than a single cigarette because they are made to replace an entire pack or more. However, they might contain less nicotine than the number of real cigarettes they are supposed to replace because waste is minimized and less nicotine is needed to get the same effect.

What is the significance of nicotine content in cigars and cigarettes?

Cigars have less nicotine than cigarettes (The cigarette companies manipulate nicotine levels.) because of the aging process the tobacco in cigars go through .

Is Philip Morris less nicotin than marlboro?

Stop worrying about which cigarette has less nicotin or whatever. Any cigarette is harmful. Even assuming that one brand of cigarettes has less nicotine, there are lots of other harmful substances.

Is there less nicotine of cigars than that of cigarettes?

This may be hard to ascertain cigarette companies are reputed with adding nicotine and other chemicals that make the delivery nicotine more potent to the body. they would probably be loath to supply accurate information. Even Governments that make a small fortune out of cigarette revenues seem to turn a blind eye to this practice.

What is the average cost for a person that smokes a pack a day if they switch to nicotine gum?

The average cost of a persons nicotine gum habit compared to a pack per day cigarette habit is way less costly. You are looking at cutting the cost in about half or more. At a pack per day you are spending about $150.00 a month or more the gum would be considerably less.

Can nicotine kill a person less than a hour?

In concentrate, yes. In fact, there is enough nicotine in 1 cigarette to kill a person. However most is burned off, and most of what IS inhaled is exhaled back out.

What regular cigarette has the most nicotine in it?

Any ready-made non-filter is pretty much the same, and filters or lights aren't significanly less, either. See related answers for a link.

Why are people that smoke-cigarette smokers less likely to get bit by mosquitoes?

Cigarette smoke is harmful to most living beings as they have negative effects on certain body parts. Mosquitoes are either affected by traces of cigarette smoke or leftover nicotine in a smoker's bloodstream and would have adapted to avoid them.

How many Draws on an electronic cigarette make one cigarette?

The answer to this question relies entirely on the model and intensity of the electric cigarette compared to a standard one. In most cases, the electronic cigarette should have some means of comparison, be it on the box or in the manual somewhere.In clarification of the above statement. The average cigarette contains 11mg of nicotine, e-cigs are rated in mg's of nicotine but it normally takes about twice the standard amount because of how it is absorbed. The average smoker normally starts at 18mg or 24mg nicotine e-cigs.