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Pretty well any climate except for the extreme cold environments like in the Arctic and Antarctic, and extreme desert conditions with no water for miles like the Sahara Desert in Africa and even the Mohave in the USA. Cows are otherwise found in hot and moist climates, arid (hot and dry) climates, cool and moist climates, cool and dry climates, and many other climates that are in between each mentioned.
They are out on pasture most of the summer, eating grass, soaking up the sunshine, but mostly eating like they always do. Summer time may be breeding time for some producers, so the bulls (the "male cows") will be courting and servicing (or mating with) the cows (the "female cows"). The calves will also be with their mommas, but they like to frolic in the sunshine, chasing and butting heads with each other, suckling from momma, and trying out the things that she eats.

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Q: What climate conditions do cows live in?
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