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Mosquitos are prone towards being attracted to lighter colors. They are also attracted to the color blue because it is the brightest to a mosquito. So if they cant smeell you they can see you.

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They are most attracted to the color blue so It is not recommended in very buggy times like summer.

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Q: What color are mosquito's most attracted to?
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Most scientific research has found that mosquitos are attracted to certain people, but this is mostly based on surface compounds found on the skin and outer layers of the skin, not the blood. Mosquitos do not avoid certain blood types.

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What attracts mosqitoes?

Mosquitos are highly specialised insects that draw blood from a specific animal. Some mosquitos only suck from other insects, like lacewings (Chrysopidae). The mosquitos that suck blood from man are attracted by the smell of sweat, especially smelly feet. Research indicated these species are also attracted by the smell of Swiss cheese.

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Mostly, i've seen dogs attracted to bright colors.

What color are mosquitoes?

theere are many diffrent types of mosquitos

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Why do mosquitos like to bite me im super allegry to them its bc they smell my blood?

it has been discovered that mosquitos are attracted to the co2 that we exhale, so all people are targeted equally if that is the case, but using some insect repellent can reduce the number of bites you will get.