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Brown eye gene = B

Blue eye gene = b

Each person has two copies of the eye color gene in their genome, one inherited from each parent. Now if both parents only carry the gene for brown eyes, BB and BB, then their child will receive one B from each parent, ending up as BB. The same works for blue eyes, if that's the only gene both parents carry, bb and bb. Each parents gives on b to the child, who ends up as bb.

If you have one parent who only has the gene for brown eyes, BB, and one parent who only has the gene for blue eyes, bb, then all the children will have brown eyes. Example: One parent gives a B, the other gives a b. Bb = brown eyes. Here's why: When you have two alleles (coding sequences) from genes that are at odds with each other, one version will override the the other. When dealing with eye color, B always dominates b. But these children now carry the b gene in them, and could pass it down to their own children. Some of them, depending on the other parent, could end up with blue eyes.

If one parent is Bb, and the other is bb, then each time they have a child, there is a 50% chance it will have blue eyes. Example: First parent is Bb, second parent is bb, then their children will end up as either Bb, bb, Bb, bb. If both parents carry the genes for brown eyes and blue eyes, then each time they have a child, there is a 25% chance it will have blue eyes. Example: First parent is Bb, second parent is Bb, then their children will end up as either BB, Bb, Bb, bb.

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15y ago

To accurately guess it would be better to have the eye color of both of the parent's parents.

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Q: If male has blue and female brown what color eyes will baby have?
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No, blue is. Blue is a baby's eye color and then they change to whatever color after about one month.

What color eyes will your baby have if the father has blue eyes and you have brown eyes?

75% chance brown 25% chance blue

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You cant have red eyes... but the baby would most likely get blue eyes or brown (If the dd had brown, then the baby would have brown)

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Helen Keller's eye color was reportedly blue.

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If your mother had brown eyes and her father had blue eyes what would the baby have?

Brown color of eye is dominant over blue color. If the mother is homozygous for brown color of eye, than the all the children will have brown color eyes. If mother is heterozygous for brown eyes, than 50% of children will have brown eyes and 50% will have blue eyes.

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Your husband is blond blue eyes and you are meduim brown skin with brown eyes What is your baby eye color?

It would all depend on which gene (brown eyes and blue eyes) is dominate and which is recessive. The baby's eye color could be either one, or the baby's eye color could be green depending if the wife or husband's parents' eye color. Basically it all depends on which eye color is dominate to the other

What color will the baby's eyes be if the mom has brown eyes and the dad has blue eyes?

If the baby gets a brown eye gene from one parent and a blue eye gene from the other parent, the child will likely have brown eyes because brown is dominant over blue. Or if the brown eyed parent has a blue recessive gene and the baby gets it then that child will have 2 blue eye genes and will have blue eyes. Of course there could be other recessive genes of other colors so the child could have hazel or green too. This is my basic understanding of how it works.

What color eyes will the baby have if the male has green eyes and female has blue eyes?

75% green, 25% blue eyes. Blue is recessive.