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Grizzly bears actually get their common name, "Grizzly," from their fur coloration. Their brown fur has grey, or "grizzled" tips, which is unique to that subspecies of brown bear.

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Red!! what do u think its a BLACK BEAR

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Q: What color is a black bears fur?
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What is a bear covered with?

Black Bears are covered in black fur, and brown bears are covered in brown fur.

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Their fur is white, but if you were to shave it all off you would see their black skin.

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Are black bears born with fur?

Black bears are born with fine, gray, downlike hair,

Why do polar bears have whitish-color fur?

Camoflage ?

What is a description of a Kermode bear?

A sprit bear is a 50 % black bear also every one of ten black bears are born with a cream color fur

What color are polar bears?

polar bears are blackPolar bears have transparent fur over black skin. Reflection of the sunlight from the densely packed transparent hairs makes polar bears seem to be white.a polar bears fur is white so the answer is white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Pblack to absorb heat in the arcticOriginally black

What are the colors of a polar bear's fur and skin?

The color of a Polar Bears skin is actually black, and the fur is actually transparent. What makes it look white is the sun light reflecting of the snow.

What similarities are there between the animal's fur color and their environment?

some animals don't have any similarities between their environment and their fur color. but most animals use their fur color to hide in their environment. a simiilaritie is color

Why are black bears so important?

Dogs get fleas in their fur. Chuck Norris gets black bears in his beard.

Are polar bears covered in fur and how many legs do they have?

Oh yes, polar bears are covered in fur, which is white in color. They have four legs.

Why do polar bears have white body fur?

They don't, the fur is actually almost colorless. The polar bears skin is in fact black.