

Best Answer

well depends on what subject and how old the child is.

The best way to answer your homework questions is to use a plain old search engine - that way, whatever answers are already out there will pop up. When you're searching a website like this one or WikiPedia, remember that anyone can answer, so you need to research a few sites to be sure the information's correct.

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Q: What com is the best for answering kid homework questions?
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Answers dot com is one of the leading websites in the world. It is the best user driven platform for asking and answering questions.

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Here on answers. com, we do not answer your questions if they seem to be copied from one's homework.

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She don't have time for that and I do not think she have any interest in answering questions about herself.

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The Answers community will be here - so long as there are questions to answer.

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Be yourself and answer it.

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Many questions can be answered on Ask. Questions can range from health related questions to a how-to question. Users can also ask homework related questions or an opinion question.

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Answers dot com and WikiAnswers don't rule over anyone. But they sure are great websites for asking and answering questions!

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yes, you will find that there is always someone around on this site who can usually help answering your questions.

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maybe i don't now if people are answering it or if the website is.I would say that if people answer the questions no because sometimes they just put something that's not correct.