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In the same way as you can ask which came first, the chicken or the egg: it is logical to assume that an individual higher animal exists from the moment of conception, regardless of how many times its form develops or changes during its growth: hence the maggot comes before the fly, and the egg before the chicken.

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13y ago

No. They don't lay magots. They lay eggs. But not everytime they land.

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Maggots are at type of larvae. They turn into flies.

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11y ago

their e hair all typesnpfo flies are so nasty in miii opinion

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Q: What comes first flies or maggots?
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Do house flies come from maggots?

No flies lay maggots, flies lay eggs, these eggs will hatch into maggots.

How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

Do maggots come from mold?

No , maggots are from flies

How do maggots mate?

Maggots are actually immature flies and beetles. Think of the as less cool butterflies. Butterflies are first caterpillars as are flies to maggots. Flies live for about 48 hours. They lay their eggs in rotting flesh and die. The maggots hatch, reach maturity, and repeat the cycle as an adult fly.

Do maggots lay eggs?

Err no. Maggots are the beginning stage of flies. Flies lay the eggs, which then hatch into larve that later become Maggots.

How do maggots get in your house?

Flies lay their eggs and they hatch as maggots

Do maggots reproduce?

Maggots are the young of flies and will grow up to be adult flies and those flies can reproduce.

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Where can maggots be found?

To find maggots go to a beach. Look mainly in the tide area (where the tide regulary ends when it comes in). dig deep into the sand and maggots will appear. Maggots normally fall into the sea and go under the sand when the tide comes in.

What do baby flies look like?

Baby flies are called maggots. Maggots are what hatch from fly eggs. Maggots then turn into pupae and finally emerge as house flies. There is really no such thing as baby flies, only flies that may appear smaller in size.

Are maggots in ketchup?

no there are essentially no maggots in ketchup however if you do happen to leave ketchup out and flies get to it, maggots are the spawn of flies and there will most likely be some in your old ketchup :)

Does a maggot turn into a fruit fly before it becomes an adult fly?

Maggots do not spin a cocoon to become flies. Flies lay eggs which maggots hatch from and then go through a complete metamorphosis.