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wart is made of capillary network which feeding the virus. It is 100% solid, it has roots that grip to your skin, so definitely you cannot pop out a wart. If you want to pop out a wart, you must take off the skin where the wart is present as well (like let's say, with a knife). so if you are thinking to pop out a wart and something like white puss come out, it's not a genital wart. There's a chance though that you can pop out a wart, if the wart is very small, but even then you need a lot of force to do that. You can't just pop it out like you pop out a pimple.

If you have a STD infection that's spreading every time you pop it out, i would say it's molluscum contagiosum and not HPV/genital wart. Molluscum, unlike genital wart, can be popped out and a white puss come out. It's a bit hard to differ small warts/small molluscum/and small bacterial infection like folliculistis

The best advise is to visit a dermatologist (the more experienced he/she is in detecting genital wart, the better)

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12y ago

wart is made of capillary network which feeding the virus. It is 100% solid, it has roots that grip to your skin, so definitely you cannot pop out a wart. If you want to pop out a wart, you must take off the skin where the wart is present as well (like let's say, with a knife). so if you are thinking to pop out a wart and something like white puss come out, it's not a genital wart. There's a chance though that you can pop out a wart, if the wart is very small, but even then you need a lot of force to do that. You can't just pop it out like you pop out a pimple.

If you have a STD infection that's spreading every time you pop it out, i would say it's molluscum contagiosum and not HPV/genital wart. Molluscum, unlike genital wart, can be popped out and a white puss come out. It's a bit hard to differ small warts/small molluscum/and small bacterial infection like folliculistis

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Genital warts typically go away on their own. Treatments are available to get rid of them faster.

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No, finger warts are not caused by the same subtype of HPV that causes genital warts.

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Genital warts don't run in the family; you must come into contact with the virus to be infected.

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