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Acetonitrile is slightly more polar than methanol. This is due to the presence of the C-N triple bond in acetonitrile (CH3CN).

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15y ago

methanol is more polar and some what soluable in water because if have strong atraction forces

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Q: What compound is more polar and soluble in water methane or methanol and why?
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Is methanol more soluable than methane?

Yes, methanol is CH3OH and methane is CH4. Methanol is polar (because of the O-H bond) and methane is non-polar (because it is a hydrocarbon.) Water (which is polar) will dissolve other polar things, but not non-polar things.

Is ch3oh non polar covalent or polar covalent?

Methanol is a polar covalent compound.

Is zinc fluoride soluble in methanol?

AnswerYes, ZnF2 is polar and CH3OH is polar. Like dissolves like.

Is ch40 ionic or covalent compound?

CH4O or CH3OH is methanol and is polar covalent compound.

Why is methanol more polar than ethanol?

Methane is CH4 or H-CH3 Ethane is CH3-CH3 When compared to H- (in methane), the CH3- (methyl group in ethane) is more electron donating and hence ethane is more basic than methane.

Are kerosene and oil soluble?

No. Kerosene is an organic compound. and water is a non-organic compound. (kerosene : non-polar Water : polar). As water is a polar solvent kerosene is not soluble in it. but kerosene is soluble in ethyl alcohol which is a non-polar solvent.

How do you find the polarity of CH3OH?

This is methanol compound. There is a polar -O-H bond.

Why methane is slightly soluble in water?

according to like dissolve like theory polar dissolves in polar and non polar dissolves in non polar metane is non polar so does not dissolves into water but difference in electronegativty of carbon and hydrogen there is some charge sepration thats why methane in water is little soluble

What solvent can best dissolve glycine betaine?

Glycine betaine is a highly soluble compound and can dissolve in a variety of solvents. However, it is most soluble in polar solvents such as water, ethanol, and methanol.

Is methane soluble in organic solvent?

Methane can be either a solute or a solvent. When discussing solutions in chemistry, the substance present in greatest quantity is usually called the solvent. That means, if you are considering a low concentration of methane dissolved in lots of water, in that case the water is the solvent, and the methane is the solute. On the other hand, if you are considering a body of liquid methane in which other substances are dissolved in smaller amounts, methane is then the solvent.

Why salt is soluble in water?

Because sodium chloride and water are polar compounds.

Is iron III nitrate soluble in hexane?

No, it is an ionic compound which is soluble in water (a polar solvent) but not in Hexane ( a non polar solvent).