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Europe is northwest of Asia.

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Q: What continent is northwest of Asia?
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Asia is north of Australia

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Depending on where you are on the continent, you could be thinking of Africa, South America or Asia.

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Kashmir is in the continent of Asia. It lies in the far northwest of the Indian subcontinent, east of Pakistan.

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Asia. Japan is located in the northwest Pacific Ocean. It is the eleventh most populous country in the world.

The Taklamakan Desert is located on which continent?

The Taklimakan desert is located on the continent of Asia. It is a desert in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the northwest region of China.

What is the country near Asia?

Excluding any countries, in Asia: Any country on the NorthWest boarder of the continent; Europe would be considered near it.

Is Aruba in Asia?

No, Aruba isn't in Asia. Asia is a continent that's far to the northwest of Aruba if heading across the Pacific Ocean. It's far to the northeast if heading across the Atlantic.Aruba is an island in the Caribbean Sea. So it isn't part of a continent. But it's off the northern coast of the South American continent.

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Asia, Xi Xia existed from 1038 to 1227 AD in what is now northwest China.

What continent is for Asia?

Asia is a continent.

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Singapore is in the continent of Asia.

How many continent in Asia?

There is one continent in Asia - Asia.