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i don't know but i got it as well just below the knee is it small and hard?

i believe it could be a condition known as "Osgood Schlatters Disease"

"A small, tender, bony bump may develop a few centimetres below the kneecap. This occurs where the patella ligament attaches to the tibia ('shin bone'). The small bump is permanent, although in time it becomes painless."

taken from

or you could say osgood schlatters disease/or osteochondritis....inflammation of the tip of the tibia below the knee cap usually from adolescent growth and physical activity such as sports

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14y ago
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13y ago

Turns out in my case it is a bone tumor. Just learned this from an MRI. Hopefully it is the benign giant cell tumor that the radiologist thinks it is. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is. This lump was not visible, but could easily be felt when you pushed on the spot. My major pain was in my big toe. Turns out these tumors can cause pain in joints that aren't even affected. If you feel any lumps that seem unusual, I'd recommend you get them checked out. I wish I'd gotten mine checked out a year and a half ago when the pain started. I didn't have a lump that I am aware of at that point, but I had intense pain when anything put too much pressure on the area.

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17y ago

Maybe a cyst. You should see your doctor to make sure that it is okay. They might be able to drain it for you. Good luck and God Bless:)

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9y ago

A hard lump on the front of the knee is typically a result of scar tissue. It can also be fluid built up as a result of an injury.

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10y ago

I believe it is called the tibial plateau.

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Q: What could a painful lump below the back of the knee be?
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