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I had the exact problem less than one month ago. The smell would come and go (it happened three times to be exact) and it was so foul, it woke me up throughout the night the last time. What it was in my case, was wires in the heater burning off, due to a malfunction with the heater.

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Q: What could be causing a strange odor which comes and goes in different rooms of your house and it smells exactly like a cat litter box but you do not own a cat nor has one ever been in your house?
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Can you litter train domestic foxes?

Foxes are strange in the way that it would be hard towards impossible to litter train them, however if you have a cat or a dog that is litter trained the fox will (if you purchased it as a youth) learn to do the same.

How long should a litter of puppies be kept together?

for 590,567,876,985,777 seconds exactly

What exactly does clumping litter do?

Clumping litter is cat litter that when liquid is added clumps together to form larger balls. This clumping absorbs more liquid and also traps the odour meaning that the litter tray will stay fresher for longer.

What would be the mass of one litter of water in metric units?

Exactly 1 kilogram

What does a mealworm eat if it is a pet?

That certainly is a strange pet! Mealworms eat decaying leaf litter, dried grass, grain and wood matter.

Why are puppies in a litter different?

Because they are not identical to one another genetically, so they will be different.

Is first step okay to use in the bottom of your ferret cage?

If First Step is a type of clay cat litter, then no. Ferrets like to snorkel and dig in their litter and clumping/clay cat litters may stick to a ferret's nose or bottom, causing issues. The best type of litter to use is a pelleted litter like Fresh News, Yesterdays News, Marshall ferret litter, or woodstove pellets

Does kitty litter differ greatly depending on the brand purchased?

Kitty litter does differ greatly depending on the brand purchased because every kitty litter is different. Some kitty litters are scented, some are not. Kitty litters can also come in different variations such as crystal like. Kitty litter can also be purchased in clumping, and not clumping.

Is tidy cat litter recyclable?

To the best of my knowledge, no cat litter is truly recyclable; after all, how exactly are you going to recycle something that is contaminated with biological waste and probably contains infectious disease organisms? Some forms of cat litter, such as Yesterday's News, are recycled from other products; in the case of Yesterday's News, the litter is made from recycled newspaper.

What brand of cat litter has the best user reviews?

There are many different brands of cat litter that have the best user reviews. However, the most popular is the Arm & Hammer clumping cat litter which is reasonably priced.

Where can I find cat litter coupons?

Cat litter coupons can be found in many different places. Cat litter coupons can be found specifically in pet stores, or on online pet stores which sell pet food.