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If temperature is being used to verify that the urine came from the correct person the temperature of the sample is an indicator that the urine is/may not be a fresh/valid sample...if the temperature is lower than expected.

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yes but it just wont be as accurate as it is supposed to

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Q: Will urine still be tested if the temperature isn't right?
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What is a inconclusive urine test?

A inconclusive urine test is when there is no decision if it's negative or positive. This usually happens when the urine is not tested right away.

Why is urine tested?

Urine is tested by doctors if they suspect cystitus or if you are diabetic

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No, because The doctor usually go by temperature of the urine.

What is the temperature of fresh urine?

Depending on the amount in a urine cup specimen, the temp should be above 90 degrees F. If the amount is small, the temp may not be high enough to be tested by the temp strip. If the urine is tested as it comes out of the bladder, then it will test between 92 and 100 degrees F.

How warm is urine?

It's will be body temperature, which is typically 98.6°F; if the person is running a fever, then the urine will still be the temperature of the body.

Can a woman still take a pregnancy test if she's experiencing vaginal bleeding?

Yes she can as it will be her morning urine that is tested, nothing with her vagina.

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How are people tested for cannabis?

They do a urine test.

What is normal investigation done for urine?

Urine is tested for the following in a laboratory: Sugar, blood, protein, white blood cells, and bacteria. The presence of these in your urine is usually the symptom of a problem. Also the urine PH balance (acidity) is tested.

What causes high urine temperature?

Urine is the same temperature as the body it leaves. If the person has a fever, the urine will be a higher temperature. This is why there is a temperature gauge on the outside of a sample bottle.