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Show them a good dictionary. The scientific meaning is usually the primary meaning given in good dictionaries for the word theory.

Theory is the highest concept in science as it is a explanatory frame work supported by much evidence and tested hypothesis for a phenomenon observed in nature. ( a fact/law ) You can generate testable hypothesis from theories. Theory encompasses law and fact and explains much of law and fact. A theory is falsifiable.

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Q: What counter-argument can you use if someone argues that you should not believe in plate tectonics because it is only a theory and theories are just guesses that don't mean much scientifically?
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Why did the catholic church denounce the theories of the scientific revolution?

because you cannot scientifically prove the existence of God. perhaps they were afraid people would lose faith.

Why do you think that Wegener was unable to prove the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics before his death in 1930?

i think he was unable to prove his statements because he has never seen this happen

Why do you think wegener was unable to prove the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics before his death in 1930?

i think he was unable to prove his statements because he has never seen this happen

How are plate tectonics and evolution related?

Plate tectonics and evlolution are related because they both

What was the main counterargument against wegners evidence?

1 counterarguement.... there was no drift because all is just as it was created. This theory works under the premise of creationism which disregards all evidence of Evolution OR If you are asking for argument were used against the theory of continental drift; it was rejected because there was no mechanism known that could cause continents to drift. It was revived when the theory of plate tectonics provided this mechanism.

How do high temperatures affect plate tectonics?

Weather has no affect whatsoever on plate tectonics because their very stong.

What are plate tectonics and what does it have to do with the earths shape?

Plate tectonics are what each continent is on. They move and are continuing to move today. It has to do with the earth's shape because the plate tectonics move the continents around.

How plate tectonics can CAUSE volcanoes?

because of these buts

Do the plate tectonics move?

they move because of the magma

Why do we draw scientifically?

Because its simple and fast

How is plate tectonics a theory?

plate tectonics is a theory because t explains the formation, movement, and subduction of earth' s plates.

Why cant the tectonics plates move without affecting another plate?

it is because when like the tectonics move slowly the tectonic is like