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Madagascar NOT Indonesia

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Q: What country's economy crashed with the launch of New Coke which used synthetic vanillin instead of real vanilla?
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the plague crashed the economy due to massive death tolls that resulted in less consumer buyers.

How did the uneven distribution of the nation's wealth weaken the American economy in the 1920s?

The economy of the United States crashed in 1929 and caused the Great Depression. The uneven distribution of wealth led to this because the poor had no money at all, and the rich had all of the money. When the economy crashed, everyone lost money.

How could a country develop its economy without a large supply of mineral resources?

A country can develop its economy without a large number of mineral resources by, Exporting Manufactured goods to other countrys.

How can interest rate help indicate the health of a countrys economy?

The risk of a nation is based on the interest rate...high rate bad health of country economy, low interest rate better situation

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Economic interdependence can cause chain reaction such as the situation we are in right now. America's economy crashed due to the housing bubble and the other economys of the world crashed with America's.

Why is the government important to our economy?

the government is important in the country because:he makes sure the needs of the countrys people are methe makes sure the finances are in orderhe makes training courses for people working in a certain part of the economy to in improve their skills and contribute more to the country and economy from a primary school learner

Why is government important to the economy?

the government is important in the country because:he makes sure the needs of the countrys people are methe makes sure the finances are in orderhe makes training courses for people working in a certain part of the economy to in improve their skills and contribute more to the country and economy from a primary school learner

Has contruction jobs downsized since the economy crashed?

The construction jobs have taken a hit when the economy crashed, in terms of building homes. People were not buying houses due to financial crisis, being unable to get loans through the bank. Workers are forced to compete for jobs of other companies when bids for jobs become scarce.

When the stock market crashed the stocks did what?

Between October, 1929 and July, 1932, stock prices tracked by the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by 89%.

What did hoover do to help the economy after the stop market crashed?

getting people back to work rather than directly granting relief

Why did people even start slavery?

free labor, it improved the economy, and no one saw anything morally wrong with it at the time (as slave trading in different countrys had been going on for centurys).

Is New York State's Economy bad or good?

Bad like the whole U.S. The stock market crashed and no one can find jobs.