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Q: What country are invold in whaling?
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What country is known for whaling?

These times it's probably Japan

What country is most known for whaling?

These times it's probably Japan

What country was known for whaling?

Connecticut was an important shipbuilding and whaling state.

Who was invold in the decisions in the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln he fought for the slaves

What are the advantages of whaling?

The jobs gained through the trade and the money for the country's economy

Why do people still go whaling when it is banned?

Not every country recognizes the ban.

Which country have been whaling and why?

china because they like to eat fin soup

Why was Canada invold in the battle of dippie?

Because they had no choice, also because they were already in the war and they were allied with them.

Is whaling legal in Japan?

Japan is the country most prominently involved in whaling. Japan has led an active pro-whaling movement ever since whaling was banned in 1986. Consequently it has gained the support of many other countries such as Iceland and China, but it has also promised financial aid to small, poorer nations of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific countries if they support it in the International Whaling Commission.

Is America against whaling or for whaling?

America is against whaling. They almost put whales out of the ocean for good when they did do whaling. They wanted their blubber for oil.

How is whaling good?

Whaling isn't good at all