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Wool is produced all around the world. There are several types of wools coming from different sources. For example cashmere wool, lambswool, camel wool, sheep wool etc.

Here is few countries which are major producers for wool:




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12y ago

Any country that has sheep eg Australia, New Zealand, China

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Q: Where in the world can you find wool?
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What are the world edit wool types in minecraft?

First, you have to find sheep with wool. Then, use your dyes to dye its wool to a certain color. Then, kill it or shave it to get the wool.

What area of the world does wool come from?

what area opf the world does wool come from?

Are greek wool blankets 100 percent wool?

Regardless of its origin, you can find the wool content on the label.

Where to find wool near Israel?

The do sheep husbandry in Syria. So you could find wool in Syria.

What city is called wool capital of the world?

region known for its wool

What country produces wool?

You can find wool production in every country on Earth.

Who makes the most wool in the world?

Australia makes the most wool in the world followed by New Zealand, then China.

How many percent wool is in the world?

One hundred percent of the wool is in the world, except for wool items that astronautshave taken into space, most of which is returned to Earth at some point.

Where can one find more information about wool knitting?

There are many places to find information about wool knitting. Websites for information about wool knitting include Get Knitted, Retro Mummy and Nocturnal Knits.

What do you do with wool on minecraft pocket edition?

you can make beds and colored wool if you find other things

Were is wool grown?

You will find it mostly on sheep

Where would you find wool in your house?
