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He is from Nepal.

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Q: What country is the Big Buddha located in?
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Where is the Hong Kong big Buddha located?

The big Buddha statue is located at the mountaintop Po Lin monastery on Lantau island, fairly close to Hong Kong airport.

Do people still live in buddha?

Buddha is not a country.

What country was Buddha born?

Siddhartha Gautam Buddha, Lord Buddha was born in Nepal..Nepal is a small country between china and india..

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天坛大佛 [tiān tán dà fó] 天坛 ---> altar of the heaven 大 ---> big in scale 佛 ---> buddha So, it's Tian Tan (Big) Buddha actually and it's located in Hong Kong.

What does big Buddha represent?

The Buddha is not depicted with a big belly in Tibetan or Indian art. The big belly seems to be a Chinese thing. [Addendum: My Chinese cultural consultant says that the big-bellied Buddha is most certainly Maitreya, the future Buddha. The big belly represents being full of potential.]

Where can one purchase good quality big Buddha bags?

Big Buddha bags can be purchased directly from the Big Buddha website. In addition, the bags from this brand can be found at Amazon, Zappos, and Macy's.

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In what country was Buddha born?

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What is the Japanese word for Buddha?

Daibutsu _____ This is not correct, Daibutsu means "Big Buddha" (大 = big, 仏 = Buddha), and is most often used to refer to large Buddha statues. Buddha is simply "仏", pronounced "futsu/butsu" or "hotoke", depending on context (and who you ask).

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In which country was Buddha born?


What country was the buddha born?

in Northern India