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Treating and healing cold sores
  • In the first fifteen minutes of a feel of an outbreak - put an ice cube in a cloth and press upon sore. Sometimes this will heal the outbreak before it flares. If it is after that - campho phenique works. There is also a prescription Actolevir that can be described. I have had these all of my life and the ice trick is the best thing ever. Also never kiss anyone with an outbreak. Never share lipstick, cups, lip balms, etc. Some people don't realize that if there is an outbreak you are contagious the whole time that sore exists on your lip.
  • Blistex
  • Cold sores can easily be prevented, by eating lots of fruit. If you feel a slight tingle on you're lip, then this is a sign that a cold sore may be coming. You can stop this cold sore from growing by putting on a cold sore patch, which can be purchased from chemists. I find this is the best way, but there may be other cold sore prevention such as zovirax, that may help as well. Also, try not to touch your lips, as u can pick up a lot of dirt on your fingers and this may trigger an infection.
  • By taking Lysine tablets and using Abreva. 3 days max.
  • Definitely see a doctor. You can easily get a prescription for Valtrex. Take it twice a day at the very first sign of that "tingle" and you may not ever see a cold sore again. At the very worst, it will reduce the longevity of the sore to about 2-3 days. I also recommend asking for the topical ointment Denavyr. Apply several times a day (it dries up the sore and also works as a local anesthesia). The combination of these two prescription drugs will work miracles for those fighting the cold sore battle!
  • There are many different causes of cold sores and they can be caused by some thing different for each person. Through my personal research I have learned that anything with Arginine - an amino acid - can cause cold sores for me, so I avoid chocolate and peanuts. Other people are effected by citrus or exposure to the sun. Pay attention to what you have eaten prior to a cold sore and then see if you avoid that food in the future if your outbreaks lessen.
  • Also, take Lysine every day in the morning before you eat. Lysine works best on an empty stomach.
  • Tons of chapstick works for me.
  • Apart from AvaCare medicine of Zenmed, there are several other treatments available for it. There are some creams, pills, and ointments that can be used to treat the problem. The herpes simplex virus is incurable but a treatment on it can prevent cold sores. We all know that prevention is better than cure. So we need to take up some preventive measures to avoid cold sores. One should not share the utensils and items used by a person with cold sores like towels, razors, cups, etc. One should also avoid any contact with infected body fluids of cold sores.
  • In case the virus has already infected you, in such a case you should avoid cold and stress. Make sure to apply sunscreen and lip balm as exposure to sunlight may cause the cold sores to expand. Avoid touching the sore and wash the hands frequently.
  • Although cold sores appear and go on their own, use of medicines can reduce the duration of the problem and prevent from future flare ups. If one is treating cold sores for the first time, then he/she must use oral antiviral medications as it reduces the pain and improves healing. Oral antiviral medications also help in reducing the continuous coming back of cold sores in a person. Topical creams and ointments can also be used. Higher doses are required for those with a weak immune system. Some of the complimentary treatments include lysine supplements, Vitamin C, and lemon balm.
  • See your pharmacist as there are a few good products out there to get rid of cold sores and take the pain away until they are gone.

Ok this will take you forever to read but i get rid of cold sores by using about two ice cubes at the sight of a cold sore. This will make your cold sore smaller. Then after you used a few ice cubes take a cotton swab from your bathroom and dip it in nail polish remover. Gently rub the cotton swab over your cold sore. This will dry it up and/or make it disappear faster. After these steps, i use abreva to penitrate my cold sore(it works great). Do this daily and it has saved me big huge hurtfull cold sores. I hope this helps

Also you can start by putting on carmex chapstick and let it for about 2 minutes then u add salt and leave it for about 15 minutes. the next morning your cold sore should be gone! or if not make a lemon water (no sugar) and drink it so it will affect the cold sore by: Verenise

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14y ago

Well, one way is to drink water with salt in it. Yeah, it will hurt, but it helps! Another way is to drink a lot of milk. Or eat ice cream, milkshakes, anything like that! Also, what causes them is all of the acid in your mouth, from things like soda. So, maybe if you stop drinking soda for a little while, it will help.

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11y ago

There are several home cures for cold sores. You can cover the cold sore with petroleum jelly, which will speed healing and protect from a secondary infection. You can also eat licorice, which contains an ingredient that stops the cold sore virus. Milk can relieve the pain from cold sores.

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12y ago

you cure a cold sore by putting some kind of medicated lip balm on it for serveral weeks until its gone. i recommend not eating anything spicy or really hot while you have a cold sore.

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14y ago

cold sore cream!

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How are cold sores treated in alternative medicine?

There is no cure for cold sores but many alternative treatments can reduce outbreaks and shorten healing time.

Does peroxide cure cold sores?

Peroxide doesn't cure cold sores.

Do chap stick cure cold sores?

Chap stick won't cure a cold sore.

Can goji berries help cure cold sores?

No hun, nothing can cure cold sores. Over the counter cold sore creams or lysine can help heal them faster.

Is there a plant that can cure the cold?

No, there are no cures for the common cold. There are medications and treatments that can help lessen the severity of the symptoms but this is not a "cure".

Do both people get a cold sores on their lips from kissing?

If you have mouth to mouth contact with a person who has an active outbreak (a cold sore) you may contract it as well. Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It is important to note that HSV sores can be spread by contact to other parts of the body. Currently, while there are treatments available, there is no known cure for HSV.

What antibiotics work on cold sores?

None. Antibiotics are poisons for killing bacteria, they do not work on a virus, which is the causative organism in cold sores (Herpes Simplex Virus). There are anti-viral medications that can be prescribed to help lessen the cold sore symptoms and duration, however, which are: valcyclovir, acyclovir, and famcyclovir

Why do 1 or 2 sores appear your vagina and hurt and sometimes bust and bleed?

What you have is probably Herpes. Although there is no cure, there are treatments to ease the pain.

What does the term viroxyn mean?

Viroxyn refers to a topical prescription medication which is primarily used to treat cold sores. Viroxyn contains 7.5% Benzocaine and claims to cure cold sores in three days.

What is the best cure for fever blisters?

Fever blisters, or cold sores, are caused by a version of the herpes simplex virus. One of the best home remedies for fever blisters is to cover the sore in petroleum jelly. It should heal within a few days time.

What does sudocrem cure?

there is not a treatment for herpes of the genitals but cold sores are considered herpes too. so it really depends which one you are talking about.

Does lemon juice kill cold sores?

No. Cold sores are from the herpes simplex virus and lemon juice won't help them. Yes, it will burn when you put it on the cold sores, but that is all. I have found that there are over the counter creams that work.