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Destroys push rods, valves, rocker arms, and pistons if valves drop into cylinders, DO NOT EVER use ether!

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Q: What damage does ether do to a diesel engine?
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If gasoline is used in a diesel it will damage the engine. If diesel is used in a gasoline engine it will do no real damage as the engine will not run.

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Yes, putting petrol/gasoline in a diesel engine and running it will cause severe damage to the engine.

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Diesel run in any petrol engine will do damage if you can keep the engine running for a long period of time. A petrol engine will not start and run on diesel fuel alone Posted by Danny from Bee Mech Mobile Mechanics

Why cant petrol be used in diesel engine?

Because one has a petrol engine and the other has a diesel engine. Petrol/gasoline does not ignite the same way as diesel. It also does not have the lubrication qualities that diesel has. Gas in a diesel engine will damage the fuel system if the diesel very quickly.

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Mix diesel in a gasoline engine and it will stall or run very poorly depending on how much you mixed in. Mix gasoline in a diesel engine and you will have engine damage.

Is your motor ruined if you used ether or starting fluid to start your 6.2 diesel engine?

There is a chance of it, that engine has glow plugs, starting fluid can explode when the glow plugs come on causing engine damage. Before using starting fluid on this type engine, make sure glow plugs are not plugged in, and can not come on.

What to do if you have put regular unleaded gas in a diesel engine?

Empty your tank out, drain the fuel lines, as the gasoline will damage your diesel engine.

What happens if you put gaoline in a diesel?

You could damage the Engine because Gasoline is potent than Diesel

Is it bad to put petrol in a diesel car?

Yes, petrol/gasoline will severely damage a diesel engine.