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Since the world was covered mostly by water, only a strong navy would enable a nation to "project" it's military might (armies) across the globe. If a nation didn't have a strong navy, they could not compete in the world's Arms Race; they could not be a major player, just part of the audience sitting on the side lines. What good is a strong army, if it can't reach an enemy to conquer (because of an ocean)? Mahan influenced the Kaiser & the Tsar of Russia to build up their navies. Britain already thought along Mahan's lines. The Kaiser slyly eliminated his cousin Nick of Russia, by getting him into a fight with Japan in 1904...which effectively caused the loss of 2 of Russia's 3 battleship fleets; thus removing him from the (naval arms) Race.

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12y ago

Mahan's views were shaped by the eighteenth century naval wars between France and Britain, where British naval superiority eventually defeated France, consistently preventing invasion and blockade

A t mahan

was Popular propaganist for expansion. Advocated that the countries with the biggest navies would inhert the earth. " Americans must now begin to look outward."

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13y ago

This is a very broad topic, but in a nutshell, Mahan believed international relations were decided by a command of the sea, he illustrated this often by the example of the growth and development of the British Empire.

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14y ago

Sea Power. An army is worthless if it can't be projected (sent overseas).

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That whoever controlled the seas controlled the world, because the seas were key to world dominance.

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Q: What was the message of Alfred Thayer Mahan?
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When was Alfred Thayer Mahan born?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was born on 1840-09-27.

Who wrote the book the influence of sea power upon history?

Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" .

What policy was clearly influenced by the ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was a great strategist, and believed heavily in the power of a country's navy. His writings influenced every naval program the world over.

Why is Alfred Mahan important?

Alfred Thayer Mahan is important because of the views he presented on sea power, and importance to the security of a nation. in his book is thThe Influence of Sea Power on History,is:he asserted that if a nation can control the seas, the that nation can be nationally supreme. The simple answer is this: a nation that has a coastline must have a navy in order to maintain its national security and foreign trade.Answers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comGoogleAnswers.comGoogle Top ResultAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comGoogle ImageAnswers.comFlickrAnswers.comYoutubeAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnsw Answers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comPreferencesAnswers.comPreferencesAnswers.comUser GuideAnswers.comPreferencesAnswers.comPreferencesAnswers.comAdd SearchAnswers.comHyperwordsGoogle Video

Who was the leading advocate of a powerful navy in late 19th century America?

Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914) was a naval strategist, historian, and leading advocate of a powerful American navy who influenced the thinking of Teddy Roosevelt and other government leaders.

Related questions

When was Alfred Thayer Mahan born?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was born on 1840-09-27.

Who wrote the book the influence of sea power upon history?

Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" .

Who encouraged the annexation of Hawaii?

Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

Who wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History?

The book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" was written by Alfred Thayer Mahan, an American naval officer and historian. Published in 1890, the book argues for the importance of naval power in shaping global history.

What policy was clearly influenced by the ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was a great strategist, and believed heavily in the power of a country's navy. His writings influenced every naval program the world over.

Who was president when the influence of sea power upon history was published?

U.S. Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" in 1890.The book was a classic and the Kaiser had a copy of it placed in every German naval vessel.

What did Alfred thayer mahan say about the navys primary mission?

To engage the enemy.

How many Father-son admirals have there been?

There have been two instances of father-son admirals in the US Navy: Arleigh Burke and his son, William Burke, and Alfred Thayer Mahan and his son, Alfred Thayer Mahan Jr.

American naval officer who wrote influential books?

Alfred Thayer Mahan. xP

Argued for a larger stronger Navy to acquire Hawaii?

Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan.

American naval admiral considered the most effective apostle of imperialism?

Alfred Thayer Mahan

According to historian Alfred thayer mahan the key to a great nations power was its?

Historian Alfred Thayer Mahan said that the key to a great nations power was it's frontier. He also wrote about how the sea had influenced history.