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recorded earthquakes.

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Q: What did Chinese scientists do as early as 780 BC?
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When did the Chinese invent cast iron?

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What year did the second olympic games in?

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Girlfriend, idek!

What is 200 BC - 1400 BC?

200-1400 (BC) is the early early early early roman period back in rome.

Who invented a wind chime?

Wind chimes are thought to have been invented by the Chinese or the Romans; early examples have been found as early as 3000 BC in southeast Asia. There is no specific inventor credited with their invention, however.

Who controlled Vietnam for more than a thousand years beginning in 200 BC?

The Chinese

When did the Chinese invented negative integers?

around 100 BC to late 50 BC

Is china older than Egypt?

The written records go back farther in Egypt than in China, although it is impossible to establish the precise dates for the first organized civilizations. The oldest Chinese dynasty (Xia) may have existed as early as 2200 BC, but written records do not begin until the Shang dynasty, around 1300 BC but perhaps as early as 1700 BC. Egypt has hieroglyphics dated to around 3200 BC.

When were pearls first discovered?

It is easy to take for granted that early civilizations such as those in Mesopotamia and Egypt knew of the rich pearl banks in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, but there is no proof. There have been found, however, mother-of-pearl inlays in the ruins of Bismaya from as early as 4500 BC. The oldest history book in China, which was written the third millennium BC, does mention "strings of not completely round pearls" which is proof that the Chinese did collect pearls many thousands of years ago. The Chinese are also credited with the first foray into pearl cultivation. The Chinese produced blister pearls, often in the shape of Buddha, as early as the first century BC and is known to have commercially produced them in the 12th century.

What Chinese empires rose and fell between 2300 BC and 334 BC?

Babylonian and Hittite

How did Confucius live?

Confucius lived from 551 BC to 479 BC He was a famous Chinese teacher.

Who discovered rice back in 3000 BC?

the Chinese