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organic solidarity social bonds, based on

specialization and interdependence, that are

strong among members of industrial societies

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Q: What did Durkheim explained that organic solidarity is based on?
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Example to illustrate emile durkheims idea of organic solidarity?

Social interdependency based on a web of highly specialized roles!

What concept did Durkheim use to refer to social bonds which are strong among members of industrial society and are based on specialization and mutual interdependence?

organic society

Who are the pioneers of sociology?

Auguste Comte-(1898-1857)He is considered as father of sociology. Comte was born at Montpellier, in France. He founded the philosophy of positivism, and originated a concept of social science known as sociology.Comte sought to discover the laws that he believed governed the evolution of the mind. In his six-volume work, The Course of Positive Philosophy (1830-1842), he framed his "law of the three states." This law advanced the idea that people try to understand phenomena in three ways. Comte believed that people first seek a theological (supernatural) explanation; then a metaphysical (abstract) explanation; and finally a positive explanation. The positive explanation is derived from an objective examination of the phenomena. Comte believed that students should concern themselves only with phenomena that have an objective, "positive," existence. This belief forms a basis of positivism. He also has given importance to "social static and social Mobility" and cleared that changes of society can be understood on these basis. His contribution in field of Social reconstruction is related to social welfare of human beings ,which should be studied with social methods.Comte regarded all social thought as an interrelated whole, the laws of which can be found by assembling what he considered the facts. His ideas have influenced students of historical and social theory, and of criminology, and such authors as Herbert Spencer and John Stuart Mill, who were seeking a "science of society."Spencer, Herbert(1820-1903), was a British philosopher. He attempted to work out a comprehensive philosophy based on the scientific discoveries of his day. Spencer was greatly influenced by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. He applied his own and Darwin's fundamental law--the idea of evolution (gradual development)--to biology, psychology, sociology, and other fields. Spencer's major works include First Principles (1862) and Principles of Ethics (1879-1893).In his work, Spencer traced the development of life from its lowest recognizable form up to human beings. He believed that the great law of nature is the constant action of forces which tend to change all forms from the simple to the complex. He explained that the mind of human beings has developed in this way, advancing from the simple automatic responses of lower animals to the reasoning processes of human beings. According to him it(scope of sociology )should study family, religion social control, division of labor, politics etc.Marx, Karl(1818-1883), was a German philosopher, social scientist, and professional revolutionary. Few writers have had such a great and lasting influence on the world. The main reason of social change is ,change in economic relationship. Due to clashing interests of both ,there is always clashing relationship between owner and labor,which brings change in society.In sociology, Marx's work is also regarded with increasing respect. Without his contributions, sociology would not have developed into what it is today. Marx wrote on social classes, on the relationship between the economy and the state, and on the principles that underlie a political or economic system.Many people still turn to Marx for an explanation of current social, economic, and political evils. But most of them are unlikely to agree with his view of the ease and speed with which the working class will overthrow the class system and set up a Communist classless society.Emile Durkheim(1858-1917), was a French sociologist. His theories and writings helped establish the foundations of modern sociology. Durkheim disagreed with most social theorists of the late 1800's because they thought that individual psychology was the basis of sociology. Durkheim regarded sociology as the study of the society that surrounds and influences the individual. Durkheim explained his theories in his book The Rules of Sociological Method (1895). He says there is relationship between moral values and religious beliefs, which establishes unity in society.In The Division of Labour (1893), Durkheim developed the theory that societies are bound together by two sources of unity. He called these sources mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity refers to similarities that many people in the society share, such as values and religious beliefs. Organic solidarity results from the division of labour into specialized jobs. Durkheim believed that the division of labour makes people depend on one another and thus helps create unity in a society. Durkheim studied thousands of cases of suicide to demonstrate his theory that a person commits suicide because of the influence of society. He explained this theory in Suicide (1897).Max Weber- (1864-1920), Weber was born in Erfurt, Germany. He studied at the universities of Berlin, Gottingen, and Heidelberg. Other important workby Weber is Essays in Sociology and The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. His theories and writings helped establish the foundations of modern sociology. Weber considered bureaucracy to be the most important feature of modern society. Bureaucracy is a method of organization based on specialization of duties, action according to rules, and a stable order of authority. Weber also developed an ideal type method for studying society. This method studies the basic elements of social institutions and how these elements relate to one another .According to him scope of sociology is study and interpretation of social actions.

What is oppression based on gender?

Sexism is discrimination based on gender.

What are the contributions of the fathers of sociology?

Some people consider Max Weber to be the father of modern sociology and others consider it to be W.E.B. Dubois. Actually most would consider my Great, Great, Great, Great,Great, Great Grandfather Adam Ferguson to be. Here is what Wiki had to say on the subject: Adding to this: The father of modern sociological thought would be Auguste Comte. Although Comtes ideas are slightly outdated and rather sexist, the basic concepts that he proposed are the foundations for modern sociology. Comte lived in the generation after the French Revolution. He sought to explain how the world could transform so radically in such a short period of time (remembering that human rights, choice, and the infinite perfectibility of man were concepts unheard of before this era). In his reconciliation of Liberal and Conservative thoughts, he was the first person to look at society as an evolving organism. He believed that Conservative thought was like that of a child. The Liberal thought (those that fueled the French Revolution) was a reflection of rebellious teenage years. And the combination of the two was the mature adult phase of society. The idea that society is an evolving organism is the framework for the theoretical concepts of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber. Contemporary sociologists are based on the work of these guys. Therefore, when a sociologists asks who's your Daddy? You can now say Auguste Comte.

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Example to illustrate emile durkheims idea of organic solidarity?

Social interdependency based on a web of highly specialized roles!

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It depends. If the clippings have no pesticides or chemical-based fertilizers, then they are organic. (P.S. they could technically be organic because they were living and are carbon-based, for another definition of organic).

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Yes, organic chemistry is based on carbon.

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Are organic compounds made of sugars or starches.?

Sugars and starches are organic compounds. But not all organic compounds are sugars and starches .

What is the scientific definition of the prefix Org-?

Org- means organic or based on carbon. Organic chemistry is the study of chemicals (and reactions) based on carbon molecules.