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Philip united Greece under Macedonian Hegemony in order to attack Persia and free the Greek states in Asia Minor that the Persians were harassing.

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Q: What did Philip of Macedonia try to do?
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What was Philip II of ancient Macedonia?

Philip II of Macedonia was a Greek king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia in northern Greece and the father of Alexander the Great.

Was Philip 2 the king of Macedonia?

yes. Philip II was king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, on the northern Greek peninsula.

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Philip II was born in 382 B.C. In Pella, the capital of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia.

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KIng Philip II king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, died in the year 336 B.C.E.

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336 b.C.

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Philip II of Macedonia

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Philip of Macedonia.

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Philip was a king of Macedonia and a military leader. He was also the father of Alexander the Great.

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Alexander the Great took up the throne of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia because he was King Philip's II son.

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