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John Bigelow ended his career as a American military writer. Using the US Civil War as examples and as inspirations for his writings, Bigelow distinguished three kinds of strategy. These were the following:1. Strategy proper, or often said, regular strategy aims at depriving the enemy of their supplies;

2. Tactical strategy, which aims to overcome the enemy in battle; and

3. Political strategy, which has the goal of embarrassing the enemy's government.

Bigelow's definitions are unique and not main stream thought concerning strategy. Many historians place Bigelow's number 2 in the first position. This the Union tried but it was not sufficient. Strategy number 1 was created in the US Civil War when it became clear that the South, despites battlefield defeats, continued to have the ability to raise armies. Bigelow's third strategy is controversial. Since he claimed to use the Civil War as his source of examples, "embarrassment" was not the Union's political goal but instead, the political goal was to thwart war Democrat inspired "peace initiatives and use political diplomacy to hamper any aid or formal recognition of the Confederacy by the European powers.

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