

What crime did guy Fawkes do?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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14y ago

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He attempted to blow up the houses of parliament with a massive amount of gunpowder hidden in the cellars. He was caught just as he was about to light the fuse. He was a catholic, and was trying to assassinate the king - who was a protestant.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Shortly after James I became king of England a group of Catholics formed a society that believe violent action must be taken against the crown. The leader of this group was named Robert Catesby. As Catholics they faced great religious persecution under the crown and felt that in order for this to be rectified they must peruse violent actions. They created a plan to blow up parliament, in the explosion the king would be killed as well as many members of parliament and the royal family. However as the plan developed many of the conspirators grew a conscience, one even warned one of his friends in the Parliament. The warning reached the King and the King planned to catch the conspirators. On November 5th, 1605 Guy Fawkes, one of the Conspirators was under the House of Lords with 36 barrels of gunpowder. He was caught by the royal guard, arrested, tortured and executed. November 5th to this day is a holiday in the UK.

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8y ago

Basically he got caught 'red handed'.
He was a part of a treasonable attempt to blow up the House of Lords and King James I.
Robert Catesby along with about a dozen other Catholics, including Fawkes, plotted as a so called popular revolt and planned to install a Catholic monarch to the British throne.

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8y ago

he was part of a group who tried to overthrow the government at the time by trying to blow up parliment buildings.

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Guy Fawkes was born in England.See the full Answers article on him.guy-fawkes

What is Guy Fawkes's birthday?

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