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A very little difference between Holocaust or genocide. Its the same. Killing of innocent people. People raise their voice, so someone, somewhere, sometime will listen..and raise his (her) or their voice.

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Q: What did people do to try to stop the Holocaust like people are trying to stop the genocide in Darfur?
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What refers to genocide of the Jews gypsies poles and homosexuals and the mentally disabled?

It looks as if the word you are trying to find is the Holocaust.

Why did some Jews leave before the Holocaust?

They were trying to save their lives. The Holocaust was a genocide of the Jewish people. That means they were all being killed off. Some people began realizing that when their neighbours were taken by the secret police. They left to save their families lives.

What is the same between genocide and Holocaust?

Genocide refers to the mass murder (systematic destruction) in whole or in part of any ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The Holocaust was Adolf Hitler's attempt at genocide of all Jews. Hitler was trying to keep pure what he believed was the perfect race. (Aryan race)

Did the UN ever declare genocide in Darfur?

they went out to smell roses and dance on unicorns

What is the word for trying to exterminate an entire people?

The word is genocide.

What is the Killing of one race of people?

The word for killing or trying to kill a race or ethnic group is genocide.

How did the genocide occor?

A genocide is when a person or a group of people try to exterminate a whole race or culture. The Hutu's were trying to extermanate the Tutsi's because of their race. That's what made it a genocide.

What are the differences between Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocide?

The Armenian genocide and the Holocaust were similar in that people were tortured and killed because of their nationality. There were often no other reason than someone being Armenian, or Jewish, just because of that there were those who thought they should die.

Why is there a famine in darfur?

The People of Darfur have been running up and down trying to escape the civil war that was/is being fought between the Darfur rebel groups and the Government of Sudan,under the presidency of Omar Hassan Al-Bashir. In 2003,some rebel groups In Darfur rebeld against the Government of Sudan,complaining of being neglected by the Central Government,and also struggling for power . As the rebel leaders struggle to fight Omar Hassan Al-Bashir's Government for being negleted,Al-Bashir because of fear of threat from the Darfur rebels,in retaliation he armed the "Janjaweed group" to kill the Darfuris ( 300,000 Darfuris died since 2003,and the US Government in 2004 had termed it as a genocide). So the Darfur people have got no time to cultivate or practice agriculture.Secondly,the Darfur region is a hot desert area,hence it does not favour agriculture.

Why is the genocide going on in darfur?

From everything I can understand - the Muslim Arab Sudanese of the North are trying to rid Sudan of (or take-over and convert by force) all the Southern African Sudanese - many of whom are Christian (Catholic and other) or animist.

Who was Hitler trying to kill in world war two?

Adolf Hitler was trying to exterminate various groups of people whom he considered undesirable, notably Jews, but also other minorities, intellectuals, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This systematic genocide, known as the Holocaust, resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people.

Who were the important people in the holocaust?

the victims no one is trying to remember the perpetrators