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Its because in 1850 congress passed the Fugative Slave Act, which stated that all slave owners had the right to retrieve run away slaves.

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Q: What did southerners believe gave them the right to retrieve runaway slaves?
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What law did the Southerners demanded that Congress pass that said Northerners had to return runaway slaves to their owners?

== == That was The Fugitive Slave Act.

Southerners view of slaves?

The southerners viewed slaves as property.

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the southerners viewed slaves as a good thing

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Fully 3/4 of southerners did not own slaves at the eve of the Civil War.

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Southerners viewed slaves as property. The southerners defended this by saying that the Bible allowed for them to have slaves.

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What future state was used as a refuge for runaway slaves and as a staging area for Creek Indian attacks on American settlers?

i believe it's Florida... "The British were angry that Spanish officials tolerated and invited runaway slaves into Florida." (Wikipedia/History of Flordia/Spanish Rule)

What were 4 ways a salve knew a safe house was nearby?

One way: These houses provided runaway slaves with food and shelter on their way to freedom. They were houses of people who did not believe in slavery. These people hang quilts and lit lanterns to show runaway slaves that they will be safe there.

What are maroons?

Maroons were runaway slaves from the west indies,north america,central america and south america.These runaway slaves also called maroons lived on mountaintops. Slaves who ran away and set up free communitiesch morons maroons were runaway slaves

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Runaway slaves didn't have code names.

What were runaway slaves called in 1861?

They were called fugitives. A fugitive is a runaway slave