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The life during the great depression was way worse than the word war 2, it was a tragic episode but after it made the world better, who knew? The closed factories now made weapons for the army, new minerals were discovered so there were a lot of jobs and the more people the more houses that needed to be built by other workers. There were no slums and suburbs replaced it.

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11y ago
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13y ago

No. The great depression happened after World War I.

In America nothing really but it is part of the reason why we did not go to war for a long time. But in Europe that is why we or they went to war because you know how the US took like ten years to go the great depression Germany went there right after the war because of all the war reperations they had to pay. And then came Hitler. Long story short he got control of the government and remember the Nazi party they were a legit party the gov. in Germany works differently. So Hitler gains control of the gov. and he promises that he will make everything better and all this propaganda. And eventually he gets the people to believe that the Jews are all to blame and hence the concentration camps. But it was not only Jews it was like the disabled and all that stuff. Hitler had all of the mentally ill killed off because he thought that it was passed through genetics and he wanted stronger people and he killed them. The reason behind the thing with the Jews was that in olden times there was something like it goes against some religion to handle money or something and so it was the Jewish that handled that stuff. Hope it helped. It is all right i just learned about in school and I looked at my notes. Sorry its so long.

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11y ago

During the War, most European countries (especially Allies) had borrowed money from American banks. So when the war ended, these countries owed massive amounts of money to those banks, and the war had devastated their economies. They found they were unable to pay back their loans, so as part of the treaties to end the war, they wanted Germany and Austria to pay "reparations" for having caused the war.

But Germany and Austria were ruined by the war too, and had difficulty paying these reparations. In the early 1920s, France and Belgium actually invaded and occupied part of western Germany to force them to pay. Eventually Germany worked out deals with the US to help fix the problem, but the damage was already done. Europe's economy was unstable, and when the American economy tanked after the 1929 Stock Market crash, Europe's economy was wrecked too (with the notable exception of the Soviet Union- they had some problems, and an unrelated disastrous famine, but the Depression itself hardly affected them).

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14y ago

this question doesn't make sense, the great depression occured after WWI

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Q: How did the World War 1 aftermath cause The Great Depression?
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