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The Sioux traveled by horse and they walked.

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Q: What did the Sioux Indians use to transport their hides from location to location?
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Related questions

How did Sioux trade with other Indians?

The plains Sioux traded furs, buffalo hides, and horses. The East coast Sioux traded poop, The Saponi Sioux was one of the main traders among the East coast indians.

What was the names of the Sioux Indians homes?

Sioux Indian homes were called tipis (pronounced tee-pees). They were uasually made out of buffalo hides.

What do Sioux Indians homes look like?

The Sioux tribe built teepees to live in. They were usually constructed out of animal hides and wood, and were easy to take down and move.

What kind of clothing did the Sioux Indians wear?

the woman wore cotton to cover up their bodies and men wore buffalo hides

What was the homes of the Sioux tribe made of?

The homes of the Sioux tribe were made out of buffalo hides.

What did Sioux women do?

the Sioux women taught girls to cook,tan hides,make clothing, and assemble tipis.

What clothes did the Sioux Indians wear?

The Sioux Indians wore deer and buffalo skins.The Sioux men and boys wore deerskin shirts and leggings.When it was warm like in summer they would wear one strip of leather called a breechcloth, as well as a pair of shoes called moccasins.In the winter they would wear buffalo robes and snow shoes.The Sioux women and girls wore dresses and moccasins. Their clothes are decorated with elk teeth, bear claws, feathers, and fur.the Sioux Indians wonen robes and buffalo skinover their bodies.

How Sioux homes were constructed?

Sioux Indians constructed their homes by skinning animal hides and using 15 foot long poles to make a sort of cone shaped structure called a teepee{tipi}. To decorate the men would paint war scenes with the women's approval>

What was the Sioux Indian currency?

They had no currency. They traded furs, hides, and art for their needs.

What was the clothing made out of for the southwest Indians?

buffalo hides or other animal hides

What were the Sioux Tribe's homes made out of?

The Sioux homes, or tipis, were made out of tall poles and tanned hides. The poles made from the lodgepole pine trees were grouped together and bound at the top. The hides after tanning were sewn together and wrapped and secured around the lodgepoles, leaving space for the smoke hole. These tipis were designed to be taken down and erected in just minutes.

What did Indians use to make clothing?

deer hides