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The political spectrum that the founding fathers followed is not what we follow today. Today, we find that Communism is placed to the Far Left, and Fascism is placed to the Far Right. The media, the elites, the intellectuals and the parties have said that we, the people, are center to center-right, according to polling from various institutions.

The political spectrum that our founding fathers followed was one that showed 100% government to the Far Left and 0% Government to the Far Right.

By the founders political spectrum, communism, socialism & fascism would be considered 100% government, where as anarchy ( no government ) would be considered 0% government. In my opinion, they would consider the current form of the political spectrum to be pointless and useless because it shows no place for anarchy.

The founders placed our constitution, the written document that outlines the structure and limits of government, at the center of their political spectrum. They represented our form of government, on that spectrum, as a 3-headed eagle. The 3 heads represent the 3 branches of government, the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches; each of these heads join into 1 neck, representing the inability of each branch to act without the consent of the others. This eagle also has it's wings spread out; the right wing representing the cognitive wing, the problem solving wing; the left wing represents the conservation wing, the wing that is meant to conserve resources. They pictured government like this and the spectrum like this because when government becomes too fixated on problems ( the cognitive wing becomes too strong), and there is no concern for resources (conservation wing not doing it's job), the society will drift into tyranny. However, if the cognitive wing is not doing it's job and the conservation wing is being too tight with resources, society will drift into anarchy.

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