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There is not any kind of liquid that can make a plant grow faster just use water that is the best kind of liquid there is for a bean plant.

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Q: What different liquids may help a bean plant grow faster?
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Do worms affect bean plants?

yes, with worms, a bean plant will grow faster and taller

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the warmer it is the faster it grows

Bean plants growth with different liquids?

yes it can but it depends on the liquid

Does the bean plant grow faster than any other plant?

This will depend on growing conditions but I think maybe a bamboo would be faster.

Why does bean plant grows faster?

Mr bean Grows the fastest and you are ALL loozers lookin at this go to

Does rain or tap water help bean plants grow faster?

if a bean plant has any kind of water it will grow

How will different liquids affect the growth rates of bean plants?

this question can't really be answered until you supply the liquids that are to be compared