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Generally cancers of the tongue, mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestine.

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11y ago

Cancers, strokes and heart-related diseases are all associated with tobacco usage in any form.

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13y ago

The warning label always says ''May cause mouth cancer. Not a safe substitute for cigarettes''

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What major companies produce smokeless tobacco?

Mostly Copenhagen, Grizzly, Skoal and Red man at least that's from what I see and get.

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What does chewing tobacco do to your body?

Contrary to popular belief smokeless tobacco is not as harmful to you as once thought. It has not been linked scientifically to oral cancer, unlike smoking. The combo of smoking and drinking is a major cause of cancers in the mouth, throat, etc.

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The major ingredient in tobacco that gets you addicted is nicotine.

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The major lifestyle causes of cardiovascular diseases are tobacco use, alcohol use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and obesity. The major health related causes are high blood pressure and heredity. Fortunately, lifestyle causes can be minimized by making fairly simple changes such as quitting smoking and beginning to exercise regularly.

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Tobacco was a major exportin Jamestown.

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As per i know there are total 33 disease can be transmitted directly or in directly. One of the major disease is Asthma.

Which country Produces Tobacco?

The world's major producers of Tobacco includes Malawi, Zimbabwe, Turkey, the United States, Brazil, India and China. The world's major producers of tobacco account for 80 percent of the world's tobacco.

Is Mercury dangerous?

Yes mercury is very dangerous. It is considered a 'heavy toxic metal' if it is in your body. High amounts of mercury has caused major diseases such as Alzheimer's which is the complete or major loss of memory.