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Q: What distance do bees have to fly to collect enough pollen to make 1 kilo of honey?
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Can you attract wild honey bees to collect honey?

No they make honey. They collect nectar and pollen.

What do honeybees collect?

If you might have noticed a recent answer, which was pollen, that answer is wrong. Bees collect nectar, which they turn into honey. pollen sticks to their legs and falls onto other flowers. this is called pollination.

How does a bee get its food?

Bees eat nectar and pollen that they collect off of the flowers. Honey bees will even eat the honey that they make from the pollen that they collect.

What is the order on which a bee collects pollen?

to make honey bees are collect pollen

What do bees give to flowers when they collect their honey?

Bees that collect a flower's honey give to that flower pollen deposits from another flower.

Why honey bees go on flower?

To collect pollen and nectar.

How do bees get there foods?

Forager bees collect nectar and pollen, and bring them back to the hive where they are stored. Water is evaporated from the nectar, turning it into honey. Bees eat pollen, a rich source of protein, and honey, which is a carbohydrate.

Do bees eat the honey they make?

Yes, they collect pollen and nectar to produce their food, which includes honey.

Honey bees collect?

The worker bees go out to collect pollen and nectar which they bring back to the Hive for food and to make honey. Honey bees eat honey and pollen as their primary food, but they also gather liquids and juices from plant and fruit exudates. When honey bees come across insects that secrete honeydew, they gather the liquid and store it as honey. When pollen, nectar, or honeydew aren't available, honey bees can collect and store plant spores and dusty animal feed as well.

Are honey bees out at night or day?

they mostly collect pollen and nectar in the day

How is coffee Flower Honey made?

The coffee plants flower and the bees collect this pollen and use it to make their honey. Honey made from this pollen has a distinctly different flavor than the clover honey sold at most grocery stores.

Do bees need pollen to make honey?

No. Bees make honey from nectar. Although the honey may contain a small amount of pollen from the flowers from which the nectar was collected, this is accidental.Bees do collect pollen and bring it back to the hive, but this is used as food, particularly for the developing larvae.