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smells like stale cigarette w/ a touch of kitty pee. i have smelled the attar of palmetto roaches and it will burn my whole respiratory area. totally believe, how they are bad for Asthma and allergy sufferers. like a strong dose of lysol spray will do.

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they smell of farts

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Q: What do cockroaches smell like?
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What senses does the cockroach have?

Cockroaches Have 7 Senses Just Like Humans Cockroaches Have The Sense Of Taste ,Smell ,Hearing ,Sight ,And Flying ,And Lying....

How do you kill a cockroach with the use of lemon grass?

You cannot kill cockroaches with lemon grass. They simply do not like the smell of it so they will stay away from areas that have been sprayed with it.

Do cockroach have a backbone?

No, cockroaches, like all insects, are invertebrates and have an exoskeleton.

What don't cockroaches like the smell of?

cedar, eucalyptus oil and rosemary. Place essential oils of these scents on cotton balls and place where roaches have been seen. Re-apply oils to cotton every few days to keep scents strong and fresh.

What do flying cockroaches look like?

it looks like a bee

Why do we control cockroaches?

zath- cockroaches, like most pests, eat our foor and carry deases, even though they are a pain in the *** to get rid of, we have to do it.

What are ways to control flying insects like cockroaches and flies in my house?

Well, cockroaches cannot fly... but they run very fast!

How do cockroaches sense the world around it?

Cockroaches sense the world around them by using their cerci. The cerci is able to feel changes in air currents and movements in the environment. Plus, they also rely on their sense of smell found in their antennae to help them move around.

Who are cockroaches' enemies?

I think lizards like eating roaches.

What won't cockroaches eat?

Try re-typing your question so I can give you an accurate anwser.

Do cockroaches have tentacles?

YES, Of course they's like general knowledge!!!

Why was cockroaches made on Earth?

Because God doesn't like us.