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Coniferous have cones and are evergreen. Deciduous lose their leaves in the autumn (or 'fall' as Americans call it). But your question asks what is the same about them. There are masses of things that are the same. For example, they both have branches and trunks and bark and sap and leaves

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Roots, trunks and branches.

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Q: How are conifer trees and deciduous trees different?
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What tree is a conifer?

A conifer is typically an evergreen, it does not drop its' 'leaves' (needles or scales) as do deciduous trees. Blue Spruce, White Pine, and Douglas fir are examples of conifer trees. Think Christmas trees - they are conifers. A conifer is a cone bearing tree. Some conifers are deciduous for example the Larch.

What kind of tree have wide flat leaves?

Generally subtropical deciduous trees have wide flat leaves.

Is a hawthorn tree deciduous or conifer?

A holly is an evergreen. It is not deciduous and it does not bear cones.

How are deciduous trees and coniferous trees different?

deciduous have leaves and coniferous have pines and needles. The term conifer means cone-shaped. The term deciduous means that the tree loses it leaves every fall. The only species of conifers that are deciduous are Larches. If the tree in question has broad leaves, nearly all of them are deciduous.

Is a persimmon a deciduous or conifer?

Diospyros kaki, the Chinese persimmon is deciduous. Diospyros virgineana the North American persimmon is deciduous. None of the persimmons are conifers.

What softwood tree loses its leaves?

Larch is a softwood and a deciduous conifer.

What name is given to trees that keep their leaves in the winter?

Trees that drop their leaves for winter are in a group called "Deciduous".

What leafs do decidious trees have?

Deciduous leaves! There are lots of different types of deciduous trees and they all have different leaves.

Do oak trees and pine trees live in the deciduous forets?

Both oak and pine trees can live in a deciduous forest. All oak trees are considered a deciduous plant. Pine trees are conifers and mostly not deciduous however there are a few genera that are (Larix, Pseudolarix, Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia and Taxodium). (

Is a lodgepole pine a coniferous of deciduous?

The Lodgepole Pine [Pinus latifolia] is a Conifer. It is also an Evergreen. Some Conifers are deciduous so it is confusing to use deciduous and coniferous as comparisons.

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740039715 Karressa Blankenship