

What do each of the karate belt colors mean?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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They don't mean anything. They simply serve as a visual indicator of learning level to help the instructors.

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Q: What do each of the karate belt colors mean?
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The belt colors vary from school to school. Most kids' programs have added additional, non-traditional belts to help them feel like they are progressing in the classes. They also add stripes to the colors to add even more levels. A better question is to ask them what gup or kyu they are. If they can't tell you, it doesn't mean much.

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Originally there were no colored belts. That system is relatively new, less than 100 years. The karate-ka borrowed the system of Judo, which was light blue, white, brown, black, red and white and red. Each school, style and organization have developed their own systems and they vary a great deal.

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There is not a specific meaning behind each of the belts. It is simply a way of marking the location of a person in their martial art journey. In most schools it makes it easy for an instructor to determine what the individual knows and what new things they are working on.

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