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Signal to noise ratio is a measure of signal strength to the background noise. Engineers use the signal to noise ratio to improve digital signal processing.

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Q: What do engineers use the signal to noise ratio for?
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If a binary signal is sent over a 3-kHz channel whose signal-to-niose ration is 20dB what is the maximum achievable data rate?

The Nyquist Limit can be disregarded as this is not a noiseless channel (faster signal = more noise, this channel's s/n ratio is provided as 20dB)thus we use Shannon's result which says the maximum data rate of a noisy channel is X = H Log2 (1 + S/N) bps using 10Log10 S/N as our standard quality2 = Log10 S/N --> S/N = 102 --> S/N = 100X = 3000 Log2 (1 + 100) bps which gives you x = 19,974.63bps as your final answer.~ Mike------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTERNATIVE APPROACHThe formula -Shannon Capacity = Bandwidth * log2 ( 1 + Signal Power / Noise Power )gets approximated to -Shannon Capacity = Bandwidth * ( Signal to Noise ratio in dB ) / 3assuming the fact that ....Signal to Noise ratio in dB = 10 log10 ( Signal Power /Noise Power )and also assuming1 is much much less than Signal Power/Noise PowerSo in the present case the approximate answer works out toShannon Capacity = Bandwidth * ( Signal to Noise ratio in dB ) / 3 ...= 3KHz * 20 dB / 3= 3 * 103 * 20 / 3 bits per second= 20000 bits per second~ANIRUDDHA GHOSHJADAVPUR UNIVERSITYBSc Mathematics - 2004 - 2010MCA - 2007 - 2010~

Are there wireless noise canceling headphones that use white noise and not music?

Noise canceling headphones use neither white noise nor music. True noise canceling headphones use microphones that pick up outside sounds, amplifiers to invert those sounds, and combining circuits to combine the signal to be played with this inverted external sounds before feeding it to the speakers. The external noise vanishes by cancellation, which is why they are called "noise canceling".

How would one use a hp signal generator?

Hp signal generator serves as a wireless broadcaster. The engineers designed this instrument. It was designed to be used in RF applications exclusively 50 omega loads.

Is it possible to use low frequency noise to determine if there is someone listening in on a radio transmission?

No. It is not possible to determine if someone is listening in on a radio transmission, with or without noise. The only protection you have is to scramble the signal.

What is the clicking noise you hear coming from a railroad signal bungalow?

Relays. Most RR signals still use relay technology.

Why Positive Feedback can't use in Amplifier?

because +feedback amplify noise amplify the noise to input ratio by[1/(1-G.H)]. WHERE g=open loop gain H=feedback gain

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They use higher frequencies