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My OB/GYN told me that when a woman gets pregnant, the ovary that she ovulated from that month was going to be much bigger than the other one.

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Q: What do large ovaries during pregnancy mean?
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What does it mean to have lopsided ovaries can you conceive have a healthy pregnancy?

ANSWER by black_whispersI am in no way an expert in this, so please don't take what I say as fact, as I cannot be sure.However, think of where the ovaries are in the system. The egg travels from the ovaries through the fallopian tube, to the womb, where it is fertilized. From what I can see, lopsided ovaries should not affect pregnancy once the egg is in the womb.HOWEVER, there is a chance that the lopsided ovaries could stop the egg from being fertile by the time it gets to the womb, or even not release an egg.I suggest that you see a professional to ask this question.

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Can you take vit tablet during 6th week of pregnancy?

You mean vitamins? There are prenatal vitamins you should take during pregnancy. Speak to your doctor.

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Do your ovaries hurting mean your pregnant?

It's more likely to be pain related to ovulation or an ovarian cyst. However if you feel you may be pregnant take a home pregnancy test.

If your mother didn't get sick during pregnancy does that mean you wont eaither?

It does mean you have less of a chance of getting sick during pregnancy but there is still a chance it will be different for you. It can also be different for the same person but different pregnancies.

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