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Dimensions in general represent degrees of freedom in motion. That means each dimension adds one independent direction in which an object may move.

Additional dimensions beyond the 3 basic and 1 time dimension work in the same way. However I suspect the question originates from the added dimensions that string theory (and other theories) proposes.

In that case it is important to note that these additional dimensions are curled up in a complex structure known as a Calabi-Yau manifold. These structures are very small and therefore cannot be seen with the eye.

A good example given by Brian Greene in one of his books is that of a garden hose which has ants walking on it. The hose represents a two dimensional space, one in the direction of the hose, and one which moves the ant around it. Close up you can clearly see that you have these two degrees of freedom.

However if you move far away the hose will appear to be a line and the second (curled up) dimension appears to vanish. In the same way the curled up dimensions that string theory predicts are also invisible to the naked eye, although they might eventually be probed by particle collider experiments.

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Q: What do the dimensions other than the three cartesian dimensions and one time dimension represent?
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Is there a second dimension?

We don't know. Spatial dimensions higher than three can only be derived mathematically, but we have no concrete evidence higher dimensions exist, and as limited three dimensional beings we are unable to perceive or experience them. According to string theory, there are ten spatial dimensions plus time.

Does a four dimensional world exist and what is the 4th dimension?

The 4th dimension is a reality, not man made. The 4th dimension is not like the other three dimensions. The mathematics and physics of the dimensions are not understood by most people. The first three dimensions are vector dimensions and describe the three dimensions of space say , x,y and z. These dimensions were the first dimensions discovered and they are thought to be real dimensions. Real dimensions are like real numbers, their square is a positive number. The truth is the first three dimensions are vectors and are geometrical dimensions. Vectors have relationships like parallel and perpendicular. so v1 and v2 can be parallel to each other or perpendicular to each other. The relationahip betweenvectors involves the angle between them so v1.v2 = v1v2cos(a) and if cos(a) is zero the angle is an odd multiple of 90 degrees, perpendicular. The cos(a) is unity if the angle is an even multiple of 90 degrees. Minus unity means the vectors are Parallel, pointing in the same directon. Plus Unity means the vectors are anti-parallel, the vectors are pointing in opposite directions. Everyone is roughly familiar with the vector dimensions, except that scientists and mathematicians want the square of vectors to be positive not negative. This is a mathematical defect that ruins vectors. The 4th dimension is not a vector it is a plain old real number sometimes called a scalar number. Sclars or eeal have positive squares. Scalars are not vectors. Scalars are critically important in science and mathematics. The reason is best understood when you ask the question "What happens to the vectors when you multiply two parallel two vectors v1 and v2? The answer is, the product of two parallel vectors is not a vector! This is like smashing two oranges together and the oranges disappear and turn into a banana. This is called lack of Closure in mathematics. Closure says that If A and B are vectors, then AB is a vector. You could say Human's beget Humans and fish beget fishes. This is the idea of Closure. Vectors don't have Closure. In Physics they would say that vectors transmuted into a real number. Physicists would create a table of "particles Realtionships". Two reals produce a real; a real and a vector produce a vector; two vectors produce a negative real if parallel or a positive real if anti-parallel; two vectors produce a vector if perpendicular; and ususally two vectors produce a real and a vector if not parallel or perpendicular! This could open up a whole new fiedl of "particle Physics". The simple answer is the 4th dimension! The 4th dimension is a real dimension. This real dimension satisfies Closure. Two vectors produce a real and this is in the 4th real dimension. This dimension saves Closure because now the the elements are called quaternions. A quaternion is the sum of a real and three vectors, thus making four dimensions thus quater, Latin for 4. If A and B are quaternions, then AB is a quaternion. Ths 4th dimesnsion has units like the three space dimensions - meters, r=ct is the fourth dimension where c is the speed of light and t is time. both c and t are real numbers and reals time reals gives reals. The speed of light c is a real number not a vector, thus the veclocity of light is wrong, because velocity denotes a vector not a real. Man did not make the 4th dimension. You could say the 4th dimension was made when God said "Let there be Light!"

Why is time different from other dimensions?

Because each dimension is different than the next, keeping this in mind, time has several variables that cannot be solved at once. They have to be solved individually and this could take weeks, months or even a decade to figure them all out.

What is deminsion?

A Dimension, in the mathematical sense, is any direction in which a point can be moved. A two dimensional plane has 2 directions: up/down, left/right (diagonals are not counted as dimensions) A three dimensional plane has up/down, left/right, forward/backward Scientists currently work with the model that we live in 4 dimensional space: up/down, left/right, forward/backward, past/future (3 spatial dimensions +1 dimension of time) However, there are scientific models (such as string theory) which have more than 4 dimensions.

What types of stone are part of the dimension stone industry?

34 percent was granite dimension stone, 28 percent limestone, 16 percent sandstone, 5 percent marble, 1 percent slate, and 16 percent other types of dimension stone.

Related questions

What is an other dimension?

An "other dimension" is a dimension other than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we normally experience.

Are there other dimensioons?

It all depends what you mean by dimensions - for example in geometry a point is said to have zero dimension a figure having length, such as a line has one dimension a plane or surface has two dimensions a figure having volume has three dimensions the fourth dimension is said to be time any other dimension can not be represented visually but may be dealt with mathematically

How do you get the ratio of dimension?

You measure the different dimensions and then divide one by the other.

Which are the eleven dimensions in universe?

The first dimension is primary (length). The second dimension is secondary (width). The third dimmension is tertiary (height). Those are the 3 basic spatial dimensions. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is the rotation of primary. The sixth dimension is the rotation of secondary (and primary). The seventh dimension is the rotation of tertiary (secondary and primary). The eighth dimension is the pulse of time. The ninth dimension is the energy radiation of primary. The tenth dimension is the energy radiation of secondary. The eleventh dimension is the energy radiation of tertiary. In total there are 10 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, in other words, 11 spacetime dimensions.

What is the closest demention to ours?

The word is dimension. And no dimensions other than our own are known to exist. Everything about other dimensions is purely a theoretic exercise.

How is the fourth dimension the time?

The fourth dimension is not "time'. The fourth dimension is a real space dimension r=ct, where c is the speed of light and the fourth dimension r is the product of 'c' and time which gives a real number distance. The other three dimensions are vector dimensions V= Ix + Jx + Ky. The vectors I, J and K are unit vectors with the vector property I2=J2=K2=IJK= - 1. So, all the dimensions are units of space!

Are there any formulas for other dimensions?

Sort of. Superstring theory is solvable only in 11 dimensions. Whether or not these dimension exist and what they mean is still to be determined. Google "string theory".

What do you do when you get to the other dimension on Phineas and Ferb 2d yourself?

you just walk around and go back and forth between the dimensions

How many squre feet to 12 meter?

You need more dimensions. Square feet cannot convert to meters. One is an area measurement (two dimensions) and the other is linear (one dimension).

What is zero dimension?

Zero dimension is a property of the mathematical concept of an ideal point in space. It has no dimensions of distance - length, breadth or height, nor of any of the other fundamental measures such as mass, time etc.

What is a Cartesian graph and what does it represent?

A cartesian graph is a graph in which y is some function of x. This is the 'normal' type in which you can give an x and y coordinate. Other types include polar in which modulus is a function of argument, but there are loads of varieties and forms.

What is a sentence for the word dimensions?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you want to use. If you mean the measured dimensions of a thing, you could say "The dimensions of the square are 3 inches by 3 inches." You might also say "I need to measure the dimensions of the bedroom so I know how much paint to buy." If you mean other planes of existence, you could say "The alien came from another dimension." You can also say "That is an entirely different dimension than what we are talking about now."