

What do the striped skunk and hooded skunk have in common?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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I don't know, they're both skunks?

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Q: What do the striped skunk and hooded skunk have in common?
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How is a hooded skunk different from a striped skunk?

it has more white fur

What 4 species of skunks are found in Big Bend National Park?

The four species of skunks found in the Big Bend National Park are the Spotted Skunk, the Striped Skunk, the Hooded Skunk and the Hog-nosed Skunk.

Who is the spotted skunk related to?

The spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius, is a mustelid, related to weasels, badgers, ferrets, otters, etc. It's closet relatives are the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, the hog nosed skunk, Conepatus leuconatus, the hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura.

What are the different types of skunks?

The four types of skunks arecommon hog-nosed skunk, striped skunk, hooded skunk & the western spotted skunk.I got this from

Will there be more skunk species similar to the striped and hooded skunks?

How would we know that? we cant go into the future, now can we. plz think before you type. ;)

What type of skunk is in carlos and the skunk?

A striped skunk

When was Striped hog-nosed skunk created?

Striped hog-nosed skunk was created in 1785.

What species is the polecat?

Mephitis, which is a common striped skunk, and Spilogale, which is a common spotted skunk. There are 8 more species that are much less common. Mephitis in Latin means "noxious vapor".

What is the average life of a striped skunk?

The average life span for a striped skunk(Mephitis mephitis) in the wild is six years.

What is the difference between a striped skunk and a normal skunk?

Striped skunks are the normal skunks. All skunks have stripes unless they are bred to be albino or bred to be more white then black, but every skunk is striped even Spotted skunks.

Is the striped skunk abundant?

No, they are less abundant.

What is an abiotic factor of a striped skunk?

Its smell.