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It means when did NASA space launch

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Why does NASA launch rocket?

Nasa launch rockets to know about space and its atmosphere

Where does NASA launch space shuttles from?

NASA launches the space shuttle from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral in Florida.

Who pays for the space shuttle launch?

the person that wants to launch a space shuttle, a space company like NASA or the government

What direction does NASA launch space shuttles?


Which government agency study space?

NASA because they launch space shuttles into space.

Who launced the first successful space shuttle?

NASA They are the only ones to launch space shuttles seeing as how the space shuttle is NASA's vehicle

When was the last NASA Shuttle launch?

the last nasa launched a space shuttle was on march 18

Where does NASA send out spaceships?

The NASA launches it's Space Ship at the NASA launch station in Tapas, Florida, USA.

When did NASA launch the first space shuttle?

because it wanted to know more about space

In 1990 NASA used Space Shuttle discovery to launch?

the Hubble Space Telescope

Who pays for the space shuttles?

the person that wants to launch a space shuttle, a space company like NASA or the government

When did NASA halt exploration to space?

Depending on how you define "exploration of space" NASA has not halted. It currently has no U.S. space vehicles but is using Russian launch vehicles to visit the space station.