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There are 3 primary solutions for treating a gummy smile: 1)orthognathic surgery, 2) crown lengthening, 3) lip lowering surgery.

Orthognathic surgery is invasive and often requires the jaw to be cut and wired shut for a period of time. Orthognathic surgery is usually very expensive and is only used in the most severe gummy smile cases. This procedure is typically performed by an oral surgeon.

Crown lengthening (aka gingivectomy ) is a less invasive procedure that reshapes the gum line to make a more appealling smile. For mild gummy smile cases, crown lengthening can be an effective and affordable solution. This procedure is often performed by a dentist or periodontist.

Lip lowering surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is an increasingly popular solution for gummy smiles. This procedure modifies the position of the lip and surrounding gum tissue to create an attractive smile. This procedure is effective for mild to severe cases of gummy smiles, and has been popularized by Beverly Hills periodontist, Dr. Alex Farnoosh.

More information about these procedures can be found on Dr. Farnoosh's website:

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Is a gummy smile a dominant trait?

Yes, yes it is. I do family portrait photography for over 10 years and whenever one parent has a gummy smile, all of their children will always have a gummy smile.

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Get the Perfect Smile with best gummy smile treatment in Bangalore. At Aspen Dental Care we offer Best Gummy Smile Treatment in Bangalore treatment is able to efficiently and effectively remove the excess of the gum tissues resulting in the correction of the smile.

How can you get a gummy smile?

A smile is considered a "gummy smile" if a significant amount of gingival tissue (gums) can be seen as a person smiles. Although a gummy smile is considered a normal variation of human anatomy, many people with gummy smiles are very self-conscious when smiling. Certain pathologic and physiologic conditions, however, cause some individuals' smiles to expose a great deal of gum above the upper front teeth, making them look shorter. Modern cosmetic dentistry procedures offer solutions for people with a gummy smile.

How do you say gummy bear in Portuguese?

"gummy bear" would be "ursinho gummy"

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What is Gummy in Latin?

The Latin word for gummy is gumminosus. Gummy means sticky or chewy or it has the consistency of a gum.

Who created gummy bears?

A gummy bear named Philip van Harlow created the gummy bear.

What are the lyrics to the Gummy Bear song?

So you start off with, Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear! Oh, I'm a Yummy, Tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear. Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear, Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear Oh Yeah! Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Three times you can bite me (Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!] Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear! Oh, I'm a Yummy, Tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear. Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear, Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear Oh Yeah! Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Three times you can bite me (Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!] Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear! Oh, I'm a Yummy, Tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear. Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear, Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear Oh Yeah! Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Three times you can bite me (Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!] Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear! Oh, I'm a Yummy, Tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear. Don't call me jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear, Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear Oh Yeah! Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Haha Duba duba yum yum Three times you can bite me (Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy bear) [Pop!]

Where do you find gummy bears?

In a gummy bear packet.