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To answer this question, one would need to know how this came to pass. Did you "give" the child to them at some point? Did the State place the child with them?

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Q: What do you do if you never signed over parental rights to someone and they have your child?
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What are the rights of parents that have signed over their parental rights?

no rights none until the child is older and the parent can explain the reasons for giving up parental rights and then it is up to the child to make a decision to have a relationship with that parent

If you signed over your parental rights do you have to still pay child support in Georgia?

Yes, until/unless the child is adopted.

Can your child be taken if you did not relinquish your parental rights?

The courts may give custody/guardianship of the child to someone else without your relinquishing your parental rights. The court may terminate your parental rights upon a finding that you are an unfit parent.

If you are a minor in WI can you sign over all parental rights and no tpay child support?

Yes, a minor can sign over all parental rights in the state of Wisconsin. The minor will no longer have to pay child support after the rights have been signed away.

What is Washington law on signing over parental rights do you still have to pay child support?

You still pay child support until the child is 18. Parental rights means you signed away having any legal say in the child not the fact that you are still the parent.

Does the state of Texas require payment of child support if the parental rights of an adopted child are signed over?

If you are the father, and have signed an agreement to allow the adoption, than no. You have neither rights, nor responsibilities. But, court approval is required.

Can an illegal immigrant mother receive child support if she leaves country and father gives up all rights?

If the father Legally gave up his parental rights - (signed legal papers), then he is no longer legally responsible to pay child support for the child. Did he give up parental rights so you could remove the child from the country? A family member of mine had to have her baby's father sign away his parental rights so he would not have to pay child support when he entered the military. So - once parental rights are signed away Legally, the father has NO obligation to pay child support. You cannot have it both ways - you cannot have him sign away his parental rights, yet still expect him to pay child support.

If you signed over your parental rights do you have to still pay childsupport in Alabama?

Yes, until/unless the child is adopted.

Can a man give up his parental rights if he has a baby with someone besides his wife so he wont have to pay child support?

You still have to pay child support. Parental rights and child support are 2 separated issues. You have to pay for your child unless the child gets adopted.

Can A Parent Sign Over Parental Rights Of There Child To A Friend By Writing Out A Signed Agreement between Both Parties In The Presence Of 2 Witnesses Without Going Through The Proper Authorities?

A court order is required to terminate parental rights. In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

If you get married but have a child with someone else and they don't have anything to do with that child when can your new husband adopt your child?

Yes, when the father's parental rights are terminated.

Does relinquishing parental rights stop child support in Alabama?

If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.